Magic, Spells, and Enchantments


Spells in Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead consist in actions performed by a character or item, that result on a target or targets receiving an event.

This can be anything from the humble fireball spell or the simple heal, to granting states, mutations, summoning items and vehicles, spawning monsters, exploding monsters, applying auras, crowd-controlling, blinking, transforming terrain, adding or subtracting stats, granting or removing effect_types, and more.

Remarkably, some things that don’t seem quite “magical” at first glance may also be handled by spells, like casting Fist, casting Gun, casting Vomit, granting (or removing) drunkenness, handling fields (field_ids), transforming items, among other things.

By making clever use of JSON fields, interactions, combinations and descriptions, anyone can go wild in spell crafting. Different spells from the official mods can be used as reference.

The template spell

In data/mods/Magiclysm there is a template spell, copied here for your perusal:

    // This spell exists in json as a template for contributors to see the possible values of the spell
    "id": "example_template",                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Template Spell",                                 // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "This is a template to show off all the available values",
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile", "ground", "self", "ally" ], // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "shallow_pit",                                  // effects are coded in C++. A list will be provided below of possible effects that have been coded.
    "effect_str": "template",                                 // special. see below
    "shape": "blast",                                         // the "shape" of the spell's area of effect. uses the aoe stat
    "extra_effects": [ { "id": "fireball", "hit_self": false, "max_level": 3 } ],	// this allows you to cast multiple spells with only one spell
    "affected_body_parts": [ "head", "torso", "mouth", "eyes", "arm_l", "arm_r", "hand_r", "hand_l", "leg_l", "foot_l", "foot_r" ], // body parts affected by effects
    "flags": [ "SILENT", "LOUD", "SOMATIC", "VERBAL", "NO_HANDS", "NO_LEGS", "SPAWN_GROUP" ], // see "Spell Flags" below
    "spell_class": "NONE",                                    //
    "base_casting_time": 1000,                                // this is the casting time (in moves)
    "final_casting_time": 100,
    "casting_time_increment": -50,
    "base_energy_cost": 30,                                   // the amount of energy (of the requisite type) to cast the spell
    "final_energy_cost": 100,
    "energy_increment": -6,
    "energy_source": "MANA",                                  // the type of energy used to cast the spell. types are: MANA, BIONIC, HP, STAMINA, NONE (none will not use mana)
    "components": [requirement_id]                            // an id from a requirement, like the ones you use for crafting. spell components require to cast.
    "difficulty": 12,                                         // the difficulty to learn/cast the spell
    "max_level": 10,                                          // maximum level you can achieve in the spell
    "get_level_formula_id": "jmath_get_level_formula",        // The id of a jmath formula that calculates what level the spell is for a given exp value.  Must be the inverse of exp_for_level_formula_id.
    "exp_for_level_formula_id": "jmath_exp_for_level_formula",// The id of a jmath formula that calculates how much exp is required for a given level.  Must be the inverse of get_level_formula_id.
    "magic_type": "magiclysm_default_magic",                  // the id of the magic_type object that holds some values for this spell and others with the same type defined.
    "min_accuracy" -20,                                       // the accuracy bonus of the spell. around -15 and it gets blocked all the time
    "max_accuracy": 20,                                       // around 20 accuracy and it's basically impossible to block
    "accuracy_increment": 1.5
    "min_damage": 0,                                          // minimum damage (or "starting" damage)
    "max_damage": 100,                                        // maximum damage the spell can achieve
    "damage_increment": 2.5,                                  // to get damage (and any of the other below stats) multiply this by spell's level and add to minimum damage
    "min_aoe": 0,                                             // area of effect, or range of variance
    "max_aoe": 5,
    "aoe_increment": 0.1,
    "min_range": 1,                                           // range of the spell
    "max_range": 10,
    "range_increment": 2,
    "min_dot": 0,                                             // damage over time
    "max_dot": 2,
    "dot_increment": 0.1,
    "min_duration": 0,                                        // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 1000,
    "duration_increment": 4,
    "min_pierce": 0,                                          // how much of the spell pierces armor
    "max_pierce": 1,
    "pierce_increment": 0.1,
    "field_id": "fd_blood",                                   // the string id of the field (currently hardcoded)
    "field_chance": 100,                                      // one_in( field_chance ) chance of spawning a field per tile in aoe
    "min_field_intensity": 10,                                // field intensity of fields generated
    "max_field_intensity": 10,
    "field_intensity_increment": 1,
    "field_intensity_variance": 0.1                           // the field can range in intensity from -variance as a percent to +variance as a percent i.e. this spell would be 9-11
    "sound_type": "combat",                                   // the type of sound. possible types are: background, weather, music, movement, speech, activity, destructive_activity, alarm, combat, alert, order
    "sound_description": "a whoosh",                          // the sound description. in the form of "You hear %s" by default it is "an explosion"
    "sound_ambient": true,                                    // whether or not this is treated as an ambient sound or not
    "sound_id": "misc",                                       // the sound id
    "sound_variant": "shockwave",                             // the sound variant
    "learn_spells": { "create_atomic_light": 5, "megablast": 10 }   // the caster will learn these spells when the current spell reaches the specified level. should be a map of spell_type_id and the level at which the new spell is learned.

The template spell above shows every JSON field that spells can have. Most of these values can be set at 0 or “NONE”, so you may leave out most of these fields if they do not pertain to your spell.

When deciding values for some of these, it is important to note that some of the formulae are not linear. For example, this is the formula for spell failure chance:

( ( ( ( spell_level - spell_difficulty ) * 2 + intelligence + spellcraft_skill ) - 30 ) / 30 ) ^ 2

Meaning a spell with difficulty 0 cast by a player with 8 intelligence, 0 spellcraft, and level 0 in the spell will have a 53% spell failure chance. On the other hand, a player with 12 intelligence, 6 spellcraft, and level 6 in the same spell will have a 0% spell failure chance.

However, experience gain is a little more complicated to calculate. The formula for how much experience you need to get to a level is below:

e ^ ( ( level + 62.5 ) * 0.146661 ) ) - 6200

Mandatory fields

As noted above, few JSON fields are actually required for spells to work. Some of the mandatory fields are:

Identifier Description
id Unique ID for the spell, used internally. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
type Indicates the JSON object is a SPELL.
name Name of the spell that shows in game.
description Description of the spell that shows in game.
valid_targets Targets affected by the spell. If a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target. Additionally, if the valid target is not specified, the spell aoe will not affect it. Can be ally, field, ground, hostile, item, none or self.
effect Hardcoded spell behaviors, roughly speaking spell “type”. See the list below.
shape The shape of the spell’s area of effect. See the list below.

Depending on the spell effect, more or less fields will be required.

For example, a classic attack spell needs the damage_type, min_damage, max_damage, min_range, max_range, and max_level fields.

In contrast, an attack spell using effect_str to grant a self buff (without a damage component) needs the min_duration, max_duration, and max_level fields instead.

Spell effects

Each spell effect is defined in the effect field. For example, the Magus spell “Magic Missile” has the attack effect, meaning it deals damage to a specific target:

    "id": "magic_missile",
    "effect": "attack",
    "min_damage": 1

while the Druid spell “Nature’s Bow” has the spawn_item effect, designating the ID of the item to spawn:

    "id": "druid_naturebow1",
    "effect": "spawn_item",
    "effect_str": "druid_recurve"

Below is a table of currently implemented effects, along with special rules for how they work:

Effect Description
add_trap Adds a trap in the target tile. This always succeeds (unless there is an existing trap) and only places 1 trap. The effect_str is the id of the trap.
area_pull Pulls valid_targets in its aoe toward the target location. Currently, the pull distance is set to 1 (see directed_push).
area_push Pushes valid_targets in its aoe away from the target location. Currently, the push distance is set to 1 (see directed_push).
attack Causes damage to valid_targets in its aoe, and applies effect_str named effect to targets. To damage terrain use bash.
banishment Kills any MONSTER in the aoe up to damage hp. Any overflow hp is taken from the caster; if it’s more than the caster’s hp the spell fails.
bash Bashes the terrain at the target. Uses damage() as the strength of the bash.
charm_monster Charms a monster that has less hp than damage() for approximately duration().
dash Dashes forward up to range and hits targets in a cone at the target.
directed_push Pushes valid_targets in aoe away from the target location, with a distance of damage(). Negative values pull instead.
effect_on_condition Runs the effect_on_condition from effect_str on all valid targets. The EOC will be centered on the player, with the NPC as caster and a context val location variable spell_location for the target primarily useful if the target isn’t a creature.
emit Causes an emit at the target.
explosion Causes an explosion centered on the target. Uses damage() for power and factor aoe()/10.
flashbang Causes a flashbang effect is centered on the target. Uses damage() for power and factor aoe()/10.
fungalize Fungalizes the target.
guilt Target gets the guilt morale as if it killed the caster.
map Maps out the overmap centered on the player, to a radius of aoe().
mod_moves Adds damage() moves to the targets. Negative values “freeze” for that amount of time.
morale Gives a morale effect to NPCs or the avatar within the aoe. Uses damage() for the value. decay_start is duration() / 10.
mutate Mutates the targets. If effect_str is defined, mutates toward that category instead of picking at random. If the MUTATE_TRAIT flag is used, allows effect_str to be a specific trait. Damage() / 100 is the percent chance the mutation will be successful (10000 represents 100.00%).
noise Causes damage() amount of noise at the target. Note: the noise can be described further with sound_type, sound_description, sound_ambient, sound_id and sound_variant.
pain_split Evens out all of your limbs’ damage.
pull_target Attempts to pull the target towards the caster in a straight line. If the path is blocked by impassable furniture or terrain, the effect fails.
recharge_vehicle Increases or decreases the battery charge of a vehicle or battery-connected power grid. Damage is equal to the charge (negative decreases).
recover_energy Recovers an energy source equal to damage of the spell. The energy source is defined in effect_str and may be one of BIONIC, SLEEPINESS, PAIN, MANA or STAMINA.
remove_effect Removes effect_str effects from all creatures in the aoe.
remove_field Removes a effect_str field in the aoe. Causes teleglow of varying intensity and potentially teleportation depending on field density, if the field removed is fd_reality_tear. (see ter_transform for more versatility)
revive Revives a monster like a zombie necromancer. The monster must have the REVIVES flag.
revive_dormant Revives a dormant monster. The monster must have the REVIVES AND the DORMANT flag.
short_range_teleport Teleports the player randomly range spaces with aoe variation. See also the TARGET_TELEPORT and UNSAFE_TELEPORT flags.
slime_split The slime splits into two large or normal slimes, depending on mass. Note: hardcoded for mon_blob-type enemies, check the monster death_function + spell summon combination.
spawn_item Spawns an item that will disappear at the end of its duration. Default duration is 0.
summon Summons a MONSTER or monstergroup from effect_str that will disappear at the end of its duration. Default duration is 0. See also the SPAWN_WITH_DEATH_DROPS flag.
summon_vehicle Summons a vehicle from effect_str that will disappear at the end of its duration. Default duration is 0.
targeted_polymorph A targeted monster is permanently transformed into the MONSTER specified by effect_str, if it has less HP than the spell’s damage. If effect_str is left empty, the target will transform into a random monster with a similar difficulty rating. Alternatively, the POLYMORPH_GROUP flag can be used to pick a weighted ID from a monstergroup. The player and NPCs are immune to this spell effect.
ter_transform Transforms the field, furniture, terrain and trap in its aoe. The chance of any one of the points in the aoe changing is 1 / (damage). The effect_str is the ID of a ter_furn_transform (see for further details).
timed_event Adds a timed event to the player only. Valid timed events are: amigara, artifact_light, dim, help, robot_attack, roots_die, spawn_wyrms, temple_flood, temple_open, temple_spawn, wanted. NOTE: This was added only for artifact active effects. Support is limited, use at your own risk.
translocate Opens up a window that allows the caster to choose a translocation gate to teleport to.
upgrade Immediately upgrades a target MONSTER.
vomit Any creature within its aoe will instantly vomit, if it’s able to do so.

Spell shape

Another mandatory field is the spell shape. This dictates how the area of effect works:

Shape Description
blast A circular blast centered on the impact position. Aoe value is the radius.
cone Fires a cone with an arc equal to aoe in degrees.
line Fires a line with a width equal to the aoe.

Common fields

The following JSON fields are also used in spells and, while optional, greatly expand how spells can behave.

All fields that are numeric also support a “variable object” (see for full details). Some fields are ignored by monsters and items.

Field group Description Example
min_X, max_X, X_increment Minimum value, maximum value, and the value increase per level.
Note: a spell is not set to have max_X at max lvl, max_X is the ceiling for the value: a spell with min_damage: 0, max_damage: 100, damage_increment: 5 and max_level: 10, will deal 5 damage at lvl 1, 10 at lvl 2 and 50 at lvl 10, as [ 0 + ( 5 * 10 ) ]. Similarly, if max_damage is instead 25, the damage will cap at spell lvl 5, as [ 0 + ( 5 * 5 ) ]
"min_damage": { "math": [ "u_skill('dodge') + u_val('intelligence')" ] },,
"min_range": 24,,
"min_aoe": { "math": [ "( VAR_1 / 3 )" ] },.
min_damage, max_damage, damage_increment “Damage” value of the spell by default (or healing, if value is negative). The spell effect can modify its function. When the spell doesn’t increase by level (such as a monster spell), min_damage and max_damage can be set at the same value ("min_damage": 15, "max_damage": 15), damage_increment can be omitted. “min_damage”: 0,
“max_damage”: 100,
“damage_increment”: 5,
min_duration, max_duration, duration_increment Duration of the spell effects and effect_str, depending on the type of the ID. Written in moves, so 100 means 1 second, 1 minute as 6000, and so on. “min_duration”: 100,
“max_duration”: 6000,
“duration_increment”: 100,
min_range, max_range, range_increment Distance from the caster to the target. Can be omitted if the target is the caster (giving an buff/debuff, spawning an item).
Note: the reality bubble diameter is ~60 tiles.
“min_range”: 2,
“max_range”: 10,
“range_increment”: 0.5,
min_aoe, max_aoe, aoe_increment Short for “area of effect”, area/zone of tiles that the spell will affect. “min_aoe”: 0,
“max_aoe”: 5,
“aoe_increment”: 0.1,
min_accuracy, max_accuracy, accuracy_increment Accuracy of the spell. -20 accuracy will cause it to always miss, 20 will cause it always hit. Currently doesn’t work. “min_accuracy” -20,
“max_accuracy”: 20,
“accuracy_increment”: 1.5
min_dot, max_dot, dot_increment Short for “damage over time”. Similar to damage, positive values hurt while negative values heal.
Note: decimal values use roll_remainder(); having 0.5 would result in dot dealing 1 damage randomly every 2 seconds on average. Affected by affected_body_parts field
“min_dot”: 0,
“max_dot”: 2,
“dot_increment”: 0.1,
min_pierce, max_pierce, pierce_increment Armor “piercing”, how much armor of the same damage_type the spell will ignore. “min_pierce”: 0,
“max_pierce”: 1,
“pierce_increment”: 0.1,
min_bash_scaling, max_bash_scaling, bash_scaling_increment Converts a spell with the “attack” effect’s damage into the scaling amount of terrain damage. “min_bash_scaling”: 1.0,
“max_bash_scaling”: 2.0,
“bash_scaling_increment”: 0.1,
base_casting_time, final_casting_time, casting_time_increment Time the caster spends when casting the spell. Similar to duration, it’s written in moves, which allows spells to be casted in fractions of a second. Ignored for monsters and items that cast spells. If several spells are chained, only the first one will apply the cost.
Note: The casting time is not shown to the player (e.g. a cast of 300 will behave as if the player waits for 3 turns).
“base_casting_time”: 1000,
“final_casting_time”: 100,
“casting_time_increment”: -50,
base_energy_cost, final_energy_cost, energy_increment Amount of energy spent for cast. If several spells are chained, only the first one will apply the cost. Ignored for monsters and items that cast spells. “base_energy_cost”: 30,
“final_energy_cost”: 100,
“energy_increment”: -6,
field_id, field_chance, min_field_intensity, max_field_intensity, field_intensity_increment, field_intensity_variance Allows the spell to spawn fields. field_id describes which field will be spawned, field_chance describes the chance as ( 1 / field_chance).
min_field_intensity, max_field_intensity and field_intensity_increment modify the field intensity and it’s growth (e.g. fd_electricity intensity 1 is “spark”, while intensity 10 is “electric cloud”).
field_intensity_variance allows to randomly increase or decrease the intensity of the spell as a percent (e.g. intensity 10 and variance 0.1 means it can grow or shrink by 10%, or go from 9 to 11).
“field_id”: “fd_blood”,
“field_chance”: 100,
“min_field_intensity”: 10,
“max_field_intensity”: 10,
“field_intensity_increment”: 1,
“field_intensity_variance”: 0.1
effect_str The “effect” the spell has (see EFFECTS_JSON). Varies according to the spell effect field. “effect_str”: “zapped”, “effect_str”: “mon_zombie”,
max_level How much you can train the spell. Default is 0. Ignored for monsters and items that cast spells. “max_level”: 10,
difficulty How hard is to cast the spell. A high difficulty spell is easier to fail, failing grants spell XP at no resource cost. It also limits the maximum spellcasting skill that can be gained by casting it (e.g. difficulty 10 will train up to spellcasting lvl 10). “difficulty”: 7,
multiple_projectiles If value is bigger than one, instead of shooting single spell with damage X, you will shoot multiple_projectiles amount of projectiles with damage damage/multiple_projectiles, which may damage different body parts (each projectile has 75% chance to hit torso still). Doesn’t interact with affected_body_parts “multiple_projectiles”: 2,
affected_body_parts body_part where the attack, dot or effect_str will occur. For effects, set at torso by default. For attack and dot, picks a random bodypart, weighted by it’s hit_size “affected_body_parts”: [ “head” ]
extra_effects Allows to cast a secondary spell id immediately after the primary spell. Allows for multiple ids. “extra_effects”: [
“id”: “fireball”,
“hit_self”: false,
“max_level”: 3
{ “id”: “storm_chain_1” }
learn_spells Allow user to learn the spell id when they reach that spell level (e.g. "create_atomic_light": 5 means user will learn create_atomic_light when they reach level 5 of the primary spell). Allows for multiple ids. “learn_spells”: { “create_atomic_light”: 5, “megablast”: 10 }
teachable Whether it’s possible to teach this spell between characters. Default is true. "teachable": true
message The message that will be send in the log when the spell is cast. Default is “You cast %s!”. “message”: “You feel refreshed.”
sound_type, sound_description, sound_ambient, sound_id, sound_variant Sound that will play when spell is cast. sound_type can be one of activity, alarm, alert, background, combat, destructive_activity, movement, music, order, speech, or weather.
sound_description responds for the message shown in log, as “You hear %s”. Default is “an explosion”.
sound_ambient whether or not this is treated as an ambient sound.
“sound_type”: “combat”, "sound_description": "a whoosh", "sound_ambient": true, "sound_id": "misc", "sound_variant": "shockwave",
targeted_monster_ids Limits the spell to target only the specified monster_id. “targeted_monster_ids”: [ “mon_hologram” ],
targeted_monster_species Limits the spell to target only the specified monster SPECIES (full list at species.json). “targeted_monster_species”: [ “ROBOT”, “CYBORG” ],
ignored_monster_species The opposite of targeted_monster_species: you can target everything except the specified monster SPECIES. “ignored_monster_species”: [ “ZOMBIE”, “NETHER” ],
magic_type Optional field indicating which type of magic this spell is part of. Separate from spell class, this field links to a magic_type object that can define several shareable parts of spells, such as xp required to level or flags that make the spell not castable.  

Spell Flags

Flags allow you to provide additional customizations for spell effects, behavior, and limitations. Spells may have any number of flags, for example:

    "id": "bless",
    "//": "Encumbrance on the mouth (verbal) or arms (somatic) affect casting success, but not legs.",
    "flags": [ "VERBAL", "SOMATIC", "NO_LEGS" ]
Flag Description
CONCENTRATE Focus affects spell fail %.
EXTRA_EFFECTS_FIRST The spell’s extra_effects will happen before the main spell effect.
FRIENDLY_POLY The target of a targeted_polymorph spell will become friendly to the caster if the spell resolves successfully.
HOSTILE_SUMMON Summon spell always spawns a hostile monster.
HOSTILE_50 Summoned monster spawns friendly 50% of the time.
IGNITE_FLAMMABLE If the spell area has anything flammable, a fire will be produced
IGNORE_WALLS Spell’s aoe goes through walls.
LIQUID Effects applied by spell will be resisted by waterproof armor if the spell targets a character’s body part. Does not currently affect damage.
LOUD Spell makes extra noise at target.
MAGIC_FOCUS Item does not interfere with hand encumbrance while spellcasting.
MUST_HAVE_CLASS_TO_LEARN The spell is autolearned when you have spell_class, and removed when you lost it.
MUTATE_TRAIT Overrides the mutate spell effect to use a specific trait_id instead of a category.
NO_EXPLOSION_SFX The spell will not generate a visual explosion effect.
NO_FAIL This spell cannot fail when cast.
NO_HANDS Hands do not affect spell energy cost.
NO_LEGS Legs do not affect casting time.
NO_PROJECTILE The “projectile” portion of the spell phases through walls, the epicenter of the spell effect is exactly where you target it, with no regards to obstacles.
NON_MAGICAL Ignores spell resistance when calculating damage mitigation and cannot be blocked by the NO_SPELLCASTING character flag.
PAIN_NORESIST Pain altering spells can’t be resisted (like with the deadened trait).
PERCENTAGE_DAMAGE The spell deals damage based on the target’s current hp. This means that the spell can’t directly kill the target. For characters (NPC or Avatar) damage applies to all body parts (damage 10 would deal 10% damage for each limb). If affected_body_parts is specified, deal percentage damage only to this body parts. Works with both attacks and DOTs
PERMANENT Items or creatures spawned with this spell do not disappear and die as normal. Items can only be permanent at maximum spell level; creatures can be permanent at any spell level.
PERMANENT_ALL_LEVELS Items spawned with this spell do not disappear even if the spell is not max level.
POLYMORPH_GROUP A targeted_polymorph spell will transform the target into a random monster from the monstergroup in effect_str.
PSIONIC Spells with this flag are not blocked by the NO_SPELLCASTING character flag, instead being blocked by NO_PSIONICS.
RANDOM_AOE Picks random number between (min + increment) * level and max instead of normal behavior.
RANDOM_CRITTER Same as RANDOM_TARGET but ignores ground.
RANDOM_DAMAGE Picks random number between (min + increment) * level and max instead of normal behavior.
RANDOM_DURATION Picks random number between (min + increment) * level and max instead of normal behavior.
RANDOM_TARGET Forces the spell to choose a random valid target within range instead of the caster choosing the target. This also affects extra_effects.
RECHARM charm_monster spell stacks its duration onto existing charm effect.
SILENT Spell makes no noise at target.
SOMATIC Arm encumbrance affects fail % and casting time (slightly).
SPAWN_GROUP Spawn or summon from an item_group or monstergroup, instead of the specific IDs.
SPAWN_WITH_DEATH_DROPS Allows summoned monsters to retain their usual death drops, otherwise they drop nothing.
SPLIT_DAMAGE If used, instead of dealing damage to a random body part, damage would be spread evenly across entire body, unless affected_body_parts is specificed. Works only on characters (NPC or Avatar), for monsters do not have limbs. Works with both attacks and DOTs
SWAP_POS A projectile spell swaps the positions of the caster and target.
TARGET_TELEPORT Teleport spell changes to maximum range target with aoe as variation around target.
UNSAFE_TELEPORT Teleport spell risks killing the caster or others.
VERBAL Spell makes noise at caster location, mouth encumbrance affects fail %.
WONDER This drastically alters the behavior of the parent spell: The spell itself doesn’t cast, but the damage and range information are used to cast the extra_effects. A n number of extra_effects will be chosen to be cast at random, where n is the current damage of the spell (stacks with the RANDOM_DAMAGE flag), the message of the casted spell will also be displayed. If this spell’s message is not wanted, make sure message is an empty string.

Damage Types

The following are the available damage types, for those spells that have a damaging component:

Damage type Description
biological Internal damage such as poison.
pure This damage type goes through armor altogether. Set by default.

Spell level

Spells can change effects as they level up. “Effect” in this context can be:

  • accuracy
  • aoe (area of effect)
  • damage
  • dot (damage over time)
  • duration
  • pierce, and
  • range

The effect growth is indicated with the min_effect, max_effect and effect_increment fields:

  • min_effect is what the spell will do at level 0.
  • max_effect is where it stops growing, the level cap.
  • effect_increment is how much it changes per level.

Additionally, there are also included:

  • energy cost (as base_energy_cost, final_energy_cost, energy_increment), and
  • field intensity (min_field_intensity, max_field_intensity, field_intensity_increment plus field_intensity_variance).

For example:

    "min_range": 1,
    "max_range": 25,
    "range_increment": 5,

Min and max values must always have the same sign, but it can be negative e.g. in the case of spells that use a negative ‘recover’ effect to cause pain or stamina damage. For example:

    "id": "stamina_damage",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Tired",
    "description": "decreases stamina",
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],
    "min_damage": -2000,
    "max_damage": -10000,
    "damage_increment": -3000,
    "max_level": 10,
    "effect": "recover_energy",
    "effect_str": "STAMINA"

Learning Spells

There multiple ways to learn spells: learning a spell from an item (through a use_action), from spells that have the learn_spells field, and from traits/mutations. An example is shown below:

    "id": "DEBUG_spellbook",
    "type": "GENERIC",
    "name": "A Technomancer's Guide to Debugging C:DDA",
    "description": "static std::string description( spell sp ) const;",
    "weight": 1,
    "volume": "1 ml",
    "symbol": "?",
    "color": "magenta",
    "use_action": {
    "type": "learn_spell",
    "//": "list of spells you can learn from the item",
    "spells": [ "debug_hp", "debug_stamina", "example_template", "debug_bionic", "pain_split", "fireball" ]

You can study this spellbook for a rate of ~1 experience per turn depending on intelligence, spellcraft, and focus.

Below is an example of learn_spells usage:

    "id": "phase_door",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Phase Door",
    "description": "Teleports you in a random direction a short distance.",
    "effect": "short_range_teleport",
    "shape": "blast",
    "valid_targets": [ "none" ],
    "max_level": 10,
    "difficulty": 2,
    "spell_class": "MAGUS",
    "learn_spells": { "dimension_door": 10 }

Traits/mutations have the spells_learned field, see the JSON_INFO documentation for details.

Extra spell effects

Another two interesting fields are extra_effects and effect_str:

  • extra_effects allows to cast one or more spells simultaneously, thus enabling “chain” style casting.

  • effect_str works as a pointer, it links the main spell to a certain JSON object. Behavior can vary depending on the spell’s effect, e.g. it may define which effect_type will be applied the target, the ID of the spawn_item, monster or vehicle to spawn, etc. Do note that some effect types are hardcoded, like beartrap, crushed, dazed, downed, stunned, etc. (non-exhaustive list!).

Adding spells to professions and NPCs

You can add spells to professions or NPC class definitions like this:

    "id": "test_profession",
    "type": "profession",
    "name": "Test Professioner",
    "description": "Tests professions",
    "spells": [ { "id": "summon_zombie", "level": 0 }, { "id": "magic_missile", "level": 10 } ],

Note: This makes it possible to learn spells that conflict with a class. It also does not give the prompt to gain the class. Be judicious upon adding this to a profession!


The following are some spell examples, from simple to advanced:

Summon spell

    "type": "SPELL",
    "id": "test_summon",                                     // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "name": "Summon",                                        // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "Summons the creature specified in 'effect_str'",
    "flags": [ "SILENT", "HOSTILE_SUMMON" ],                 // see "Spell Flags" in this document
    "valid_targets": [ "ground" ],                           // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "min_damage": 1,                                         // minimum number of creatures summoned (or "starting" number of creatures summoned)
    "max_damage": 1,                                         // maximum number of creatures summoned the spell can achieve
    "min_aoe": 3,                                            // area of effect of the spell, in this case the area the summons can appear in
    "max_aoe": 3,
    "effect": "summon",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "effect_str": "mon_test_monster",                        // varies, see table of implemented effects in this document
    "min_duration": 6250,                                    // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 6250

Self explanatory: when cast, test_summon will silently summon 1 hostile mon_test_monster on a random 3x3 location centered around the caster, with a duration of 62.5 seconds, after which it will disappear.

Typical attack

    "id": "test_attack",                                     // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Ranged Strike",                                 // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "Deals damage to the target with 100% accuracy. Will always apply the status effect specified in 'effect_str'.",
    "valid_targets": [ "ground", "hostile" ],                // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "attack",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "effect_str": "stunned",                                 // varies, see table of implemented effects in this document
    "min_damage": 10,                                        // minimum damage (or "starting" damage)
    "max_damage": 20,                                        // maximum damage the spell can achieve
    "damage_increment": 1.0,                                 // How much damage increases per spell level increase
    "min_range": 4,                                          // range of the spell
    "max_range": 4,
    "base_casting_time": 500,                                // this is the casting time (in moves)
    "min_duration": 200,                                     // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 300,
    "duration_increment": 10,                                // How much longer the spell lasts per spell level
    "damage_type": "stab"                                    // type of damage

Explanation: classic damage spell with designated effect. After a 5 second cast, a lvl 1 test_attack will deal 11 stab damage up to 4 tiles away, and stun the hostile target for 2.1 seconds.

Note: valid_targets has both ground and hostile so it can be targeted in an area with no line of sight.

Consecutive spell casting

    "id": "test_combo",                                      // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Combo Strikes",                                 // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "Upon casting this spell, will also activate the spells specified on the 'extra_effects' in descending order.",
    "flags": [ "SILENT", "RANDOM_DAMAGE", "RANDOM_AOE" ],    // see "Spell Flags" in this document
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile", "ground" ],                // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "attack",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "effect_str": "downed",                                  // varies, see table of implemented effects in this document
    "extra_effects": [ { "id": "test_atk1" }, { "id": "test_atk2" } ],               // this allows you to cast multiple spells with only one spell
    "min_damage": 7,                                         // minimum damage (or "starting" damage)
    "max_damage": 14,                                        // maximum  damage the spell can achieve
    "damage_increment": 0.7                                  // damage increase per spell level
    "min_aoe": 2,                                            // area of effect
    "max_aoe": 4,
    "aoe_increment": 0.2,                                    // how much wider the area of effect gets per spell level
    "min_range": 10,                                         // range of the spell
    "max_range": 10,
    "base_casting_time": 750,                                // this is the casting time (in moves)
    "min_duration": 325,                                     // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 325,
    "damage_type": "stab"                                    // type of damage

Explanation: If you put two or more spells in extra_effects, it will consecutively cast the spells: first extra_effects, second extra_effects, third extra_effects, etc. If you wish to pick one at random, use the WONDER flag (see below). Additionally, the extra spells will be cast at a level up to the level of the parent spell being cast, unless additional data is added to each test_atk#.

Random spell casting

    "id": "test_starter_spell",                              // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "Starter",                                       // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "Upon casting this spell, randomly selects one spell specified in 'extra_effects' to cast. The spell damage shows how many times it will randomly select from the list",
    "flags": [ "SILENT", "WONDER", "RANDOM_DAMAGE" ],        // see "Spell Flags" in this document
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],                          // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "attack",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "extra_effects": [                                       // this allows you to cast multiple spells with only one spell
      { "id": "test_atk1" },                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
      { "id": "test_atk2" },                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
      { "id": "test_atk3" },                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
      { "id": "test_atk4" },                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
      { "id": "test_atk5" },                                 // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
      { "id": "test_atk6" }                                  // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "min_damage": 3,                                         // minimum damage (or "starting" damage)
    "max_damage": 5,                                         // maximum damage the spell can achieve
    "damage_increment": 0.2                                  // damage increase per spell level
    "min_range": 10,                                         // range of the spell
    "max_range": 10

Explanation: The WONDER flag does wonders by turning the spell into a dice: When cast, the main spell will pick the subspells in extra_effects. The amount of “rolls” is specified via min_damage and max_damage plus the RANDOM_DAMAGE flag. In this example, casting test_starter_spell will cause any one of each test_atk# subspells to be selected, this repeats 3 to 5 times.

Note: There must be a minimum of one spell in extra_effects for the WONDER flag to work properly.

Repeatedly cast the same spell

    "type": "SPELL",
    "id": "test_attack_repeat",                              // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "name": "a spell",                                       // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "Upon casting this spell it will repeat the spell specified in `extra_effects` - the amount of repetitions is the interval `min_damage`-`max_damage` ",
    "extra_effects": [ { "id": "test_attack" } ],            // this allows you to cast multiple spells with only one spell
    "flags": [ "SILENT", "WONDER", "RANDOM_DAMAGE" ],        // see "Spell Flags" in this document
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],                          // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "attack",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "effect_str": "target_message",                          // varies, see table of implemented effects in this document
    "min_damage": 5,                                         // minimum (starting damage)
    "max_damage": 7,                                         // maximum damage the spell can achieve
    "damage_increment": 0.2                                  // damage increase per spell level
    "min_range": 10,                                         // range of the spell
    "max_range": 10,
    "min_duration": 1,                                       // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 1

Explanation: Notice a different approach for the WONDER and RANDOM_DAMAGE combo: min_damage set to 5 and max_damage set to 7 will cause the main spell to “roll” extra_effects 5 - 7 times, but this time there’s a single test_attack. Because WONDER has a 100% chance of picking a spell, test_attack, will be repeated 5 to 7 times.

A spell that casts a note on the target and an effect on the caster

    "id": "test_attack_note",                                // id of the spell, used internally. not translated
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "a note",                                        // name of the spell that shows in game
    "description": "This spell applies a harmless status effect to notify the player about the spell that the user has cast.",
    "flags": [ "SILENT" ],                                   // see "Spell Flags" in this document
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],                          // if a valid target is not included, you cannot cast the spell on that target.
    "effect": "attack",                                      // effects are coded in C++. A list is provided in this document of possible effects that have been coded.
    "extra_effects": [ { "id": "sacrifice_spell", "hit_self": true }, { "id": "test_attack" } ],     // this allows you to cast multiple spells with only one spell
    "effect_str": "eff_test_note",                           // varies, see table of implemented effects in this document
    "min_aoe": 6,                                            // area of effect, or range of variance
    "max_aoe": 6,
    "min_duration": 1,                                       // duration of spell effect in moves (if the spell has a special effect)
    "max_duration": 1

Explanation: Here we have one main spell with two subspells: one on the caster and the other on the target. To do this, you must specify the ID of whatever spells you’re using with the extra_effects field. In this case, sacrifice_spell is stated with "hit_self": true and will “hit” the caster, while the second spell will be cast as normal on the hostile target. This is only necessary if we need an effect that is cast on a target and a secondary effect cast on the caster.

Monster spells

See Monster special attacks - Spells.

Custom Spell Experience Requirements

Spells may have custom formulas for their xp requirements to level by combining the get_level_formula_id and exp_for_level_formula_id fields. These fields both take the id of a jmath_function that they can use to calculate the xp requirement instead of the default formula. The given jmath functions must only have 1 argument (for the spell level or experience) and they should not make any calls to the alpha or beta talkers. Spell calculations are intended to be character agnostic, and while using functions such as u_skill(‘DEDUCTION’) will not error, it will always be calculated from the player characters data, even if for an npc or other uses of spell xp calculations. Also, keep in mind that changing the spell experience requirements of an existing spell will likely do strange things to any characters that already knew the spell before the xp requirements were changed.

Note: the exp_for_level_formula_id requires the total experience required for a spell level, not the difference in experience between the current and next level. IE, if a spell requires 1000 xp to level a level 10 spell should require 10,000 experience in its exp_for_level_formula_id, not 1,000.

Constant Spell Exp Requirement Example:

    "id": "test_spell",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "test",
    "description": "constant spell experience formula.",
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],
    "effect": "attack",
    "min_damage": 1,
    "max_damage": 1,
    "get_level_formula_id": "magic_test_func_get_level",
    "exp_for_level_formula_id": "magic_test_func_exp_for_level"
    "type": "jmath_function",
    "id": "magic_test_func_get_level",
    "num_args": 1,
    "return": "_0 / 1000"
    "type": "jmath_function",
    "id": "magic_test_func_exp_for_level",
    "num_args": 1,
    "return": "1000 * _0"

Magic Type

Spells may have a magic type defined. The magic type can define the experience requirements to level the spell, any flags which make the spell uncastable, and also the energy source for the spell. In case the spell has a value defined which conflicts with its magic types value, the spell takes precendence.

Magic Type Example:

    "id": "magic_type_test",
    "type": "magic_type",
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "get_level_formula_id": "magic_test_func_get_level",
    "exp_for_level_formula_id": "magic_test_func_exp_for_level",
    "cannot_cast_flags": "NO_SPELLCASTING",
    "cannot_cast_message": "you cannot cast test spells!",
    "casting_xp_formula_id": "magic_test_xp_formula", // id of a jmath func that determines how much xp is gained by successful casts.
    "max_book_level": 0, // associated spells can not be leveled by reading books, scrolls, etc above this level.
    "failure_cost_percent": 1, // decimal value that decides how much energy is consumed by spells when they fail to cast.  Defaults to 0.
    "failure_exp_percent": 1, // decimal value that decides how much exp is gained when spells fail to cast compared to normal.  Defaults to 0.2 .
    "failure_eocs": "EOC_random_mutate" // EOC cast by the player if the spell fails to cast.
    "id": "test_spell",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": "test",
    "description": "a test spell.",
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ],
    "effect": "attack",
    "min_damage": 1,
    "max_damage": 1,
    "magic_type": "magic_type_test"


Enchantments are another layer of enhancements, similar to effect_type and mutation. Unlike these which are carried by the avatar and similar entities, enchantments are bound to “containers” such as items, mutations, bionics and effects. This allows some flexibility in customizing effects and interactions according to the current state of the container, the spell being activated if any, what exactly is being granted, and more.

Identifier Description
id Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
has How an enchantment determines if it is in the right location in order to qualify for being active. WIELD when wielded in your hand, WORN when worn as armor, HELD when in your inventory.
condition Determines the environment where the enchantment is active. ALWAYS is active always and forevermore, ACTIVE whenever the item, mutation, bionic, or whatever the enchantment is attached to is active, INACTIVE whenever the item, mutation, bionic, or whatever the enchantment is attached to is inactive. DIALOG_CONDITION - ACTIVE whenever the dialog condition in condition is true.
hit_you_effect A spell that activates when you melee_attack a creature. The spell is centered on the location of the creature unless "hit_self": true, then it is centered on your location. Follows the template for defining fake_spell.
hit_me_effect A spell that activates when you are hit by a creature. The spell is centered on your location. Follows the template for defining fake_spell
intermittent_activation Spells that activate centered on you depending on the duration. The spells follow the fake_spell template.
values Numbers that can be modified (see list). add is added to the base value, multiply is also added and treated as percentage: 2.5 is +250% and -1 is -100%. add is always applied before multiply. Either add or multiply can be a variable_object/math expression (see below for syntax and application, and NPCs for the in depth explanation).
skills A bonus or penalty to skills. Syntax is the same as for values, using the id of the skill name.
emitter Grants the emit_id.
modified_bodyparts Modifies the body plan (standard is human). gain adds body_part_id, lose removes body_part_id. Note: changes done this way stay even after the item/effect/mutation carrying the enchantment is removed.
mutations Grants the mutation/trait ID. Note: enchantments effects added this way won’t stack, due how mutations work.
ench_effects Grants the effect_id. Requires the intensity for the effect.

All fields except for type and id are optional. This includes the otherwise obligatory name and description. If a name and description are set, they will be displayed in the EFFECTS tab.

There are two possible syntaxes. The first is by defining an enchantment object and then referencing the ID, the second is by directly defining the inline enchantment inside something (in this case, an item):

    "type": "enchantment",
    "name": { "str": "Invisibility" },
    "description": "You are invisible.  Just that.",
    "condition": "ALWAYS",
    "has": "WIELD",
    "hit_you_effect": [ { "id": "AEA_FIREBALL", "hit_self": true, "once_in": 12 } ],
    "hit_me_effect": [ { "id": "AEA_HEAL" } ],
    "values": [ { "value": "STRENGTH", "multiply": 1.1, "add": -5 } ],
    "skills": [ { "value": "computer", "add": 3 } ],
    "emitter": "emit_AEP_SMOKE",
    "modified_bodyparts": [ { "gain": "test_corvid_beak" }, { "lose": "torso" } ],
    "ench_effects": [ { "effect": "invisibility", "intensity": 1 } ],
    "melee_damage_bonus": [ // adds this amount of damage to attack; adding damage adds flat number to attacks, multiplier multiplies existing damage after adding
    { "type": "bash", "add": 10 }, // add 10 would straight add 10 damage of this type to each attack
    { "type": "cut", "add": -3 }, // add -3 would decrease any cut damage up to zero
    { "type": "heat", "multiply": 0.5 }, // 0.5 would mean damage be increased by 50%
    { "type": "acid", "multiply": -0.5 }, // -0.5 would mean 50% decrease of damage
    { "type": "necrotic", "add": 10, "multiply": 0.1 }, // any damage_type is supported
    { "type": "biological", "add": { "math": [ "Nemesis_iteration * -1" ] } } // supports math and stuff, works for both character/npcs and monsters. multiple `melee_damage_bonus`es of the same type do stack
    "incoming_damage_mod": [ // any incoming damage would be modified by this value
      { "type": "bash", "add": 10 }, // adding would increase the taken damage (hurt more!)
      { "type": "stab", "add": -8 }, // negative adding would subtract damage taken by this amount
      { "type": "cut", "multiply": -0.5 }, // multiplication would multiply entire damage; -0.5 would result in 50% of damage being removed
      { "type": "bullet", "add": 1 }, // `"multiply": 1` would double all incoming bullet damage
      { "type": "electric", "add": { "math": [ "rand(3) * -1" ] } }, // supports math and stuff, works for both character/npcs and monsters. multiple `incoming_damage_mod`es of the same type do stack
      { "type": "acid", "add": 1, "multiply": 1 } // damage is subtracted before your physical armor (chain mail or similar), best works for decreasing incoming damage, as if character has additional layer of armor
    "incoming_damage_mod_post_absorbed": [ // works exactly same as incoming_damage_mod, but is applied after your physical armor (chain mail or similar), so best works for adding damage, as if character is specifically suseptible to this type of damage
      { "type": "bash", "add": 10 },
      { "type": "stab", "add": -8 },
      { "type": "cut", "multiply": -0.5 },
      { "type": "bullet", "add": 1 },
      { "type": "electric", "add": { "math": [ "rand(3) * -1" ] } },
      { "type": "acid", "add": 1, "multiply": 1 }
    "intermittent_activation": {
      "effects": [
          "frequency": "1 hour",
          "spell_effects": [
            { "id": "AEA_ADRENALINE" }
    "special_vision": [   // defines creatures (monsters or NPC) you can see in some irregular ways, thermal, supernatural, you name it
        "condition": { "and": [ { "npc_has_flag": "ELECTRIC" }, "u_see_npc" ] },   // this need to return true to see the critter; u is character, npc is critter being watched
        "distance": 20, // how far special_vision is applied. for technical reasons special_vision do not stack, having multiple special_visions of the same nature will not result in special_visions of bigger distance
        "precise": true,  // if true, you can aim the critter as if it's visible, if false, your ability to aim it would be limited.  Default false
        "ignores_aiming_cone": true, // if true, aiming the gun do not obscure sensing the creature.  Default false
        "descriptions": [ // if condition is true, this will assign a dedicated id (used for tiles) and text, depending on text_condition
            "id": "infrared_creature_tiny", 
            "text_condition": { "math": [ "n_val('size') == 1" ] }, // optional condition for this specific id to be used. Default true.  Be sure to not use condition that can change in between moves (like any math with random result, `rand(1)` etc); 
                        // while text with tags is stored and re-evaluated only when cursor changes its position, tiles are re-evaluated every frame, even on pause
            "text": "Message 1.",
            "symbol": "@",  // symbol, that would be used in ascii.  Optional, default is `?`
            "color": "c_magenta" // color of symbol, that would be used in ascii.  Optional, default is `c_red`
            "id": "infrared_creature_small",
            "text_condition": { "math": [ "n_val('size') == 2" ] },
            "text": "Message 2."
            "id": "infrared_creature_medium",
            "text_condition": { "math": [ "n_val('size') == 3" ] },
            "text": "Message 3. <fuck_you>" // tags are also supported
            "id": "infrared_creature_large",
            "text_condition": { "math": [ "n_val('size') == 4" ] },
            "text": "Message 4."
            "id": "infrared_creature_huge",
            "text_condition": { "math": [ "n_val('size') == 5" ] },
            "text": "Message 5."
            "id": "infrared_creature_medium",
             "text": "Last message."  // descriptions are read in order they are in json, adding dummy condition that always return true can be used as a fallback if none previous condition matches;
             // otherwise default description is `You sense a creature here.`, and default id is `infrared_creature`
    "copy-from": "mring_silver",
    "type": "TOOL_ARMOR",
    "id": "mring_wizardry_lesser",
    "price_postapoc": "2000 USD",
    "name": { "str": "lesser ring of wizardry", "str_pl": "lesser rings of wizardry" },
    "description": "A thin silver band ring, engraved with two sealed scrolls.  Increases mana capacity somewhat.",
    "relic_data": { "passive_effects": [ { "has": "WORN", "condition": "ALWAYS", "values": [ { "value": "MAX_MANA", "add": 400 } ] } ] }

The relic_data field

As seen in the last example, enchantments are added to the item as passive_effects inside the relic_data field. Items with this data are turned into a relic or artifact, being displayed as magenta inside the inventory view.

Also supported is charge_info, which allows automatic charge regeneration. This in turn enables active magical items that cast spells on use:

    "use_action": { "type": "cast_spell", "spell_id": "conj_throwing_blade3", "no_fail": true, "level": 1, "need_worn": true },
    "extend": { "flags": [ "NO_UNLOAD", "NO_RELOAD" ] },
    "charges_per_use": 1,
    "relic_data": { "charge_info": { "recharge_type": "periodic", "time": "1 h", "regenerate_ammo": true } },
    "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "holster": true, "ammo_restriction": { "crystallized_mana": 5 } } ]

The item consumes 1 charge per spell cast. It can’t be recharged or unloaded, relying on ammo regeneration over time for use.

Another example is a GUN type item (e.g. a firearm). As this is a weapon that consumes ammo per use, use_action can be omitted:

    "clip_size": 5,
    "flags": [ "NO_UNLOAD", "NO_RELOAD" ],
    "relic_data": {
      "charge_info": { "regenerate_ammo": true, "recharge_type": "periodic", "time": "20 s" },
      "passive_effects": [ { "id": "ENCH_INVISIBILITY" } ]
    "pocket_data": [ { "pocket_type": "MAGAZINE", "rigid": true, "ammo_restriction": { "ammo_magic_bullet": 5 } } ],

This weapon consumes “magic bullet” ammo every time it’s fired. Note how charge_info and passive_effects can be used together.

The field charge_info supports the following:

Identifier Description
regenerate_ammo true.
recharge_type Can be one of: lunar, periodic, solar_cloudy, solar_sunny, or none.
time Time required per charge.
recharge_condition (optional) Similar to has from enchantments: can be one of held, worn, wield. If omitted, the item recharges regardless, even if dropped.


From now, EOC variables can be used inside enchantments, including predefined (see for examples), custom variables or math equasions. Here are some examples:

    "type": "enchantment",
    "id": "MON_NEARBY_STR",
    "has": "WIELD",
    "condition": "ALWAYS",
    "values": [ { "value": "STRENGTH", "add": { "math": [ "u_val('dexterity') + 1" ] } } ]

This enchantment adds the dexterity value to strength plus one: a character with str 8 and dex 10 will result with str 19 and dex 10.

    "type": "enchantment",
    "has": "WIELD",
    "condition": "ALWAYS",
    "values": [
        "value": "LUMINATION",
        "add": { "math": [ "u_monsters_nearby('radius': 25) * 20" ] }

This enchantment checks the amount of monsters near the character (in a 25 tile range), then multiplies that number by 20, and adds the value as lumination: more monsters nearby = more light produced.

    "type": "enchantment",
    "id": "MOON_STR",
    "has": "WORN",
    "condition": "ALWAYS",
    "values": [ { "value": "STRENGTH", "add": { "math": [ "IS_UNDER_THE_MOON * 4" ] } } ]

Here’s an enchantment that relies on a custom variable check, the full power of EOCs in your hand.

First, the custom variable IS_UNDER_THE_MOON is set behind the scenes, it checks if the character is under the moon’s rays (by a combination of { "not": "is_day" } and "u_is_outside"): if true value is 1, otherwise is 0. Then, the custom variable is used inside a math operation that multiplies the truth value by 4: character is granted [ 1 * 4 ] = 4 additional strength if outside and during the night, or [ 0 * 4 ] = 0 additional strength otherwise.

condition field support any EoC condition

    "type": "enchantment",
    "id": "BITE_STR",
    "has": "WIELD",
    "condition": { "math": [ "u_effect_intensity('bite', 'bodypart': 'torso') > 1"] },
    "values": [ { "value": "STRENGTH", "add": 5 } ]

ID values

The following is a list of possible enchantment values:

Character status value Description
ARMOR_ALL Gives this amount of protection against any damage type except one with “no_resist”: true. For more precise changes use incoming_damage_mod or item_armor_bonus
ATTACK_NOISE Affects the amount of noise you make while melee attacking.
ATTACK_SPEED Affects attack speed of item, even if it’s not the one you’re wielding, and throwing cost (capped at 25 moves). "add": 10 adds 10 moves to each attack (makes it longer), "add": -10 makes each attack faster for 10 moves; "multiply": 1 doubles the speed of each attack
AVOID_FRIENDRY_FIRE Flat chance for your character to avoid friendry fire if there is a friend in the line of fire. From 0.0 (no chance) to 1.0 (never frindly fire).
BANDAGE_BONUS Affects the bandages_power you have when applying medicine.
BIONIC_MANA_PENALTY changes how big the mana penalty for having bionic energy is (default ratio is 1 kj removes 1 mana point). better to use with multiply, using add just adds or removes flat amount of mana no matter of energy level. "multiply": 1 double the ratio (1 kj removes 2 mana points), "multiply": -0.5 halves it
BIONIC_POWER Adds bionic power storage in millijoules (“add”: 1000000 adds 1 kJ)
BLEED_STOP_BONUS Affects the bleed level when applying medicine.
BODYTEMP_SLEEP Amount of warmth (in celcius) added to you when you sleep. Default is 0, so better to use add
BONUS_BLOCK Affects the number of blocks you can perform.
BONUS_DODGE Affects the number of dodges you can perform. Do not confuse with DODGE_CHANCE
CARDIO_MULTIPLIER Affects total cardio fitness by this amount. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended.
CARRY_WEIGHT Affect the summary weight player can carry. "add": 1000 adds 1 kg of weight to carry.
CASTING_TIME_MULTIPLIER Same as mutation casting_time_multiplier field, changes your casting speed. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended. "multiply": 2" triples the casting speed
COMBAT_CATCHUP Affects the rate at which you relearn combat skills (multiplier).
CONSUME_TIME_MOD Changes how long you consume FOOD and DRINK or something from chems itemgroup. "add": 10 adds 10 seconds to food consumption, multiply: 1 doubles it
CLIMATE_CONTROL_HEAT Moves body temperature up towards comfortable by number of warmth units up to value.
CLIMATE_CONTROL_CHILL Moves body temperature down towards comfortable by number of warmth units up to value.
CRAFTING_SPEED_MULTIPLIER Changes your crafting speed. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended. Positive values decrease crafting time, negative values increase it.
DEXTERITY Affects the dexterity stat.
DISINFECTANT_BONUS Affects the disinfectant_power you have when applying medicine.
DODGE_CHANCE Modifies the probability to dodge an attack. Default is 0, so better to use add
EFFECTIVE_HEALTH_MOD If this is anything other than zero (which it defaults to) you will use it instead of your actual health mod.
EQUIPMENT_DAMAGE_CHANCE Modifies the likelihood that weapons and armor take durability damage. Since it’s a percent, using ‘multiply’ is recommended. Positive values increase likelihood of damage while negative values decrease likelihood. multiply: -1 and below result in indestructible equipment.
EXTRA_ELEC_PAIN Multiplier on electric damage received, the result is applied as extra pain.
EVASION Flat chance for your character to dodge incoming attacks regardless of other modifiers. From 0.0 (no evasion chance) to 1.0 (100% evasion chance).
FALL_DAMAGE Affects the amount of fall damage you take.
SLEEPINESS Affects how fast your sleepiness grows over time - bigger value makes you tired faster. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended.
SLEEPINESS_REGEN Affects how much of your sleepiness and sleep deprivation drops when resting. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended.
FAT_TO_MAX_HP Changes the amount of HP, that is given to you by your fat. Formula is ((your_calories/7716.17)/((your_height_in_cm/100)^2))*hitsize_of_all_non_bionic_bodyparts. Using add works just as adding HP, so use multiply instead
FORCEFIELD Chance your character reduces incoming damage to 0. From 0.0 (no chance), to 1.0 (100% chance to avoid attacks).
HEALTHY_RATE How much of your health is changed daily. "multiply": -1 stops any changes in health
HEARING_MULT How well you can hear. Remember that increased hearing means you would have a bigger “noise” written in UI; default step noise of 6, multiplied 10 times, would show it as 60
HUNGER Affects how fast your hunger level changes. Do not affect actual calorie burn, the METABOLISM field is responsible for this
INTELLIGENCE Affects the intelligence stat.
KCAL Same as bio_digestion effect, increases the amount of calories obtained the food.
KNOCKBACK_RESIST The amount knockback effects you, 0 is the regular amount, -100 would be double effect, 100 would be no effect.
KNOCKDOWN_RESIST The amount knockdown effects you, currently only having 100 or greater knockdown_resist makes you immune to knockdown.
LEARNING_FOCUS Amount of bonus focus you have for learning purposes.
LUMINATION Character produces light.
MELEE_DAMAGE Adds damage to melee attacks
MELEE_TO_HIT Modifies melee attacks’ to_hit. add is recommended since to_hit can be below 0 and has a small typical range.
MELEE_STAMINA_CONSUMPTION Changes amount of stamina used when swing in melee; stamina consumption is a negative value, so "add": 100 decreases amount of stamina consumed, when "add": -100 increases it; "multiply": 1 increases, "multiply": -0.5 decreases it. Can’t be bigger than -50.
MENDING_MODIFIER Changes the speed of your limb mend. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended.
METABOLISM Multiplier for metabolic_rate_base, which respond for default bmi rate; Formula for basic bmi is metabolic_rate_base * ( (weight_in_kg / 10 ) + (6.25 * height) - (5 * age) + 5 ); Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended; Since metabolism is directly connected to weariness, at this moment decreasing it makes you more weary the less metabolism you have; zero metabolism (multiply: -1) is handled separately, and makes you never weary.
MOD_HEALTH If this is anything other than zero (which it defaults to) you will to mod your health to a max/min of MOD_HEALTH_CAP every half hour.
MOD_HEALTH_CAP If this is anything other than zero (which it defaults to) you will cap your MOD_HEALTH gain/loss at this every half hour.
MUT_INSTABILITY_MOD Modifies your instability score, which affects the chance to get bad mutation (scales with amount of good mutations you have, capping at 67%, check Character::roll_bad_mutation for more information). add: 1 would be equal to having 1 good mutation more, increasing the chance to get bad mutation, add: -1 would be like you have one good mutation less, decreasing the chance to get bad mutation.
MOVECOST_FLATGROUND_MOD How many moves you spend to move 1 tile on flat ground; shown in UI
MOVECOST_OBSTACLE_MOD How many moves you spend to move 1 tile, if this tile has a movecost more than 105 moves; not shown in UI
MOVECOST_SWIM_MOD How many moves you spend to move 1 tile in water; not shown in UI
MOVEMENT_EXERTION_MODIFIER Affects how much physical exertion (activity_level) is required for the player to move a single tile. The value this affects is technically a float, so addition and multiplication operations can be performed on it, but player-facing effects only happen at specific whole-integer breakpoints. This can most easily be seen in \data\json\ui\activity.json.
NIGHT_VIS How well you can see in darkness. ADD adds tiles, so "ADD": 3 increases night vision distance by 3 tiles.
OBTAIN_COST_MULTIPLIER Modifier for pulling an item from a container, as a handling penalty or bonus. "add": 100 add 100 additional moves to item wield (1 second)
OVERKILL_DAMAGE multiplies or contributes to the damage to an enemy corpse after death. The lower the number, the more damage caused.
OVERMAP_SIGHT Increases the amount of overmap tiles you can see around.
PAIN When gaining pain the amount gained will be modified by this much. You will still always gain at least 1 pain.
PAIN_PENALTY_MOD_STR Amount of this stat you lose from pain. Default value is (pain*0.005)*max_str. Can’t be lower than 1
PAIN_PENALTY_MOD_DEX Amount of this stat you lose from pain. Default value is (pain*0.0075)*max_dex. Can’t be lower than 1
PAIN_PENALTY_MOD_INT Amount of this stat you lose from pain. Default value is (pain*0.01)*max_int. Can’t be lower than 1
PAIN_PENALTY_MOD_PER Amount of this stat you lose from pain. Default value is (pain*0.01)*max_per. Can’t be lower than 1
PAIN_PENALTY_MOD_SPEED Amount of speed you lose from pain. Default value is pain^0.7. Can’t be bigger than 50 speed.
PAIN_REMOVE When pain naturally decreases every five minutes the chance of pain removal will be modified by this much. You will still always have at least a chance to reduce pain.
PERCEPTION Affects the perception stat.
PHASE_DISTANCE Distance the character is able to teleport through impassible terrain. Values less than 1 do nothing and the max distance is 48 tiles.
POWER_TRICKLE Generates this amount of millijoules each second. Default value is zero, so better to use add
RANGE Modifies your characters range with firearms
RANGED_ARMOR_PENETRATION Adds armor penetration to ranged attacks.
RANGED_DAMAGE Adds damage to ranged attacks.
RANGE_DODGE Chance to dodge projectile attack, no matter of it’s speed; Consumes dodges similarly to melee dodges, and fails, if character has no dodges left. add and multiply behave equally. add: 0.5 would result in 50% chance to avoid projectile
READING_EXP Changes the minimum you learn from each reading increment.
READING_SPEED_MULTIPLIER Changes how fast you can read books; Lesser value means faster book reading, with cap of 1 second.
RECOIL_MODIFIER Affects recoil when shooting a gun. Positive value increase the dispersion, negative decrease one.
REGEN_HP Affects the rate you recover hp, at all time, both natural and using medicine. Default 1; Negative value (so multiply: -1.1 or smaller) would cause character lose it’s HP all the time
REGEN_HP_AWAKE Affects the rate you recover hp when you do not sleep. Default value is 0, meaning if this enchantment is not specified, character can not regenerate hp when awake. Negative value causes character to lost HP over time when awake. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended; multiply: 0.2 would make character able to regenerate at 20% of it’s default regen
SCENT_MASK Amount added to your scent target scent value (default 500, assigned by scent_intensity mutation field); "add": 100 makes character a bit more smelly
SHOUT_NOISE Changes how loud your shouts are (default 10)
SHOUT_NOISE_STR_MULT Modifies the shout_multiplier, that affect how much your strength affects noise level (default 2, meaning one point of strength adds 2 units of noise )
SKILL_RUST_RESIST when add, chance / 100 to resist skill rust; when multiply, multiplier for skill rust amount - the smaller, the less experience you will rust
SLEEPY The higher this the easier you fall asleep.
SOCIAL_INTIMIDATE Affects your ability to intimidate.
SOCIAL_LIE Affects your ability to lie.
SOCIAL_PERSUADE Affects your ability to persuade.
SPEED Affects your base speed.
STAMINA_REGEN_MOD Modifier to how fast you regen your stamina. It is a percent with default value of 0, so multiply is useful only in combination with add. add: 0.1 makes regen 10% bigger, add: 1 doubles it
STEALTH_MODIFIER Amount to be subtracted from player’s visibility range, capped to 60. Negative values work, but are not very effective due to the way vision ranges are capped.
STOMACH_SIZE_MULTIPLIER Changes how much food you can consume at once. "add": 1000 adds 1 L to stomach size
STRENGTH Affects the strength stat. Formula for all stat affecting enchantments are (base_stat + enchantment_addition) * (enchantment_multiplier + 1). Str 8 with enchantment add 2, multiply 1 result in (8+2) * (1+1) = 10 * 2 = 20 str
SWEAT_MULTIPLIER Affects how much your body can sweat. Affects all bodyparts at once. Since it’s a percent, using multiply is recommended.
THROW_STR Increases your strength for throwing purposes. Not limited by your throwing skill (you still throw it as precise as your skill allows you, just further). Only additive. Rule of thumb: one additional point of strength allow you to throw 113 g object 10 tiles further, or 1130 g object 1 tile further, limited by [ str * 3 + skill ]. Full calculations are in Character::throw_range
THROW_DAMAGE Increases the damage of any thrown projectile. add adds this amount of damage to the projectile as bash damage, multiply would increase all projectile damage, not only bash type.
UGLINESS Affects your ugliness stat, which affects NPCs’ initial opinion of you.
VITAMIN_ABSORB_MOD Increases amount of vitamins obtained from the food
VOMIT_MUL Affects your chances to vomit.
WEAKNESS_TO_WATER Amount of damage character gets when wet, once per second; scales with wetness, being 50% wet deal only half of damage; negative values restore hp; flat number with default value of 0, so multiply is useful only in combination with add; Works with float numbers, so "add": -0.3 would result in restoring 1 hp with 30% change, and 70% chance to do nothing
WEAKPOINT_ACCURACY Increases the coverage of every weakpoint you hit, therefore, increasing chances to hit said weakpoint. Works only if weakpoint has "is_good": true (all weakpoints have it true by default)
WEAPON_DISPERSION Positive value increase the dispersion, negative decrease one.
Enchanted item value Description

Enchantments on monsters

A small subset of enchantments can be applied to monsters via effects. These are listed below:

Character status value Description
REGEN_HP Affects the rate the monster recovers hp.
VISION_RANGE Affects monster vision range, both day and night one.
SPEED Affects the base speed of the monster.
LUMINATION Affects monster luminance

Enchantment value examples

  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "electric", "add": -20 } ] },      // subtracts 20 points of incoming electrical damage
  { "value": "ATTACK_SPEED", "add": -60 }     // subtracts 60 attack moves, making the attacker faster
  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "cold", "multiply": -0.4 } ] } // subtracts 40% of incoming cold damage
  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "heat", "multiply": 0.4 } ] } // increases damage taken from fire by 40%
  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "cut", "add": 2 } ] } // increases incoming cut damage by 2
  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "biological", "multiply": -1.4 } ] } // subtracts 100 percent of incoming biological damage
  { "incoming_damage_mod": [ { "type": "acid", "multiply": 1.4 } ] } // increases incoming acid damage by 140%