Effect On Condition

An effect_on_condition is an object allowing the combination of dialog conditions and effects with their usage outside of a dialog. When invoked, they will test their condition; on a pass, they will cause their effect. They can be activated automatically with any given frequency. (Note: effect_on_conditions use the npc dialog conditions and effects syntax, which allows checking related to, or targeting an effect at, an npc (for example: npc_has_trait). Using these commands in an effect_on_condition is not supported.)



Identifier Type Description
recurrence int or variable object or array The effect_on_condition is automatically invoked (activated) with this many seconds in-between. If it is an object it must have strings name, type, and context. default can be either an int or a string describing a time span. global is an optional bool (default false), if it is true the variable used will always be from the player character rather than the target of the dialog. If it is an array it must have two values which are either ints or variable_objects.
condition condition The condition(s) under which this effect_on_condition, upon activation, will cause its effect. See the “Dialogue conditions” section of NPCs for the full syntax.
deactivate_condition condition optional When an effect_on_condition is automatically activated (invoked) and fails its condition(s), deactivate_condition will be tested if it exists and there is no false_effect entry. If it returns true, this effect_on_condition will no longer be invoked automatically every recurrence seconds. Whenever the player/npc gains/loses a trait or bionic all deactivated effect_on_conditions will have deactivate_condition run; on a return of false, the effect_on_condition will start being run again. This is to allow adding effect_on_conditions for specific traits or bionics that don’t waste time running when you don’t have the target bionic/trait. See the “Dialogue conditions” section of NPCs for the full syntax.
required_event cata_event The event that when it triggers, this EOC does as well. Only relevant for an EVENT type EOC.
effect effect The effect(s) caused if condition returns true upon activation. See the “Dialogue Effects” section of NPCs for the full syntax.
false_effect effect The effect(s) caused if condition returns false upon activation. See the “Dialogue Effects” section of NPCs for the full syntax.
global bool If this is true, this recurring eoc will be run on the player and every npc from a global queue. Deactivate conditions will work based on the avatar. If it is false the avatar and every character will have their own copy and their own deactivated list. Defaults to false.
run_for_npcs bool Can only be true if global is true. If false the EOC will only be run against the avatar. If true the eoc will be run against the avatar and all npcs. Defaults to false.
EOC_TYPE string Can be one of ACTIVATION, RECURRING, SCENARIO_SPECIFIC, AVATAR_DEATH, NPC_DEATH, OM_MOVE, PREVENT_DEATH, EVENT (see details below). It defaults to ACTIVATION unless recurrence is provided in which case it defaults to RECURRING.

### EOC types

EOC_TYPE can be any of:

  • ACTIVATION - activated manually.
  • RECURRING - activated automatically on schedule (see recurrence)
  • SCENARIO_SPECIFIC - automatically invoked once on scenario start.
  • AVATAR_DEATH - automatically invoked whenever the current avatar dies (it will be run with the avatar as u), if after it the player is no longer dead they will not die, if there are multiple EOCs they all be run until the player is not dead.
  • NPC_DEATH - EOCs can only be assigned to run on the death of an npc, in which case u will be the dying npc and npc will be the killer. If after it npc is no longer dead they will not die, if there are multiple they all be run until npc is not dead.
  • OM_MOVE - EOCs trigger when the player moves overmap tiles
  • PREVENT_DEATH - whenever the current avatar dies it will be run with the avatar as u, if after it the player is no longer dead they will not die, if there are multiple they all be run until the player is not dead.
  • EVENT - EOCs trigger when a specific event given by “required_event” takes place.

Alpha and Beta Talkers

Talker, in context of effect on condition, is any entity, that can use specific effect or be checked against specific condition. Some effects and conditions don’t have talker whatsoever, so any entity can use it (like mapgen_update effect can be used no matter is it used by player, NPC, monster or item), other has only one talker (aka alpha talker, aka u_) - the entity that call the effect or check (like u_know_recipe or u_has_mission), and the third has two talkers - alpha and beta (aka u_ and npc_), which allow to check both you and your interlocutor (or enemy, depending on context)

For example, { "npc_has_effect": "Shadow_Reveal" }, used by shadow lieutenant, check the player as beta talker, despite the id imply it should be npc_; This is a legacy of dialogue system, from which EoC was extended, and won’t be fixed, since dialogues still use it fully

Typical Alpha and Beta Talkers by cases

EOC Alpha (possible types) Beta (possible types) variables sent
Talk with NPC player (Avatar) NPC (NPC)  
Talk with monster player (Avatar) monster (monster)  
Use computer player (Avatar) computer (Furniture)  
furniture: “examine_action” player (Avatar) NONE  
SPELL: “effect”: “effect_on_condition” target (Character, Monster) spell caster (Character, Monster)  
monster_attack: “eoc” attacker ( Monster) victim (Creature) damage, int, damage dealt by attack
use_action: “type”: “effect_on_conditions” user (Character) item (item) id, string, stores item id
tick_action: “type”: “effect_on_conditions” carrier (Character) item (item)  
countdown_action: “type”: “effect_on_conditions” carrier (Character) item (item)  
COMESTIBLE: “consumption_effect_on_conditions” user (Character) item (item)  
activity_type: “completion_eoc” character (Character) NONE  
activity_type: “do_turn_eoc” character (Character) NONE  
addiction_type: “effect_on_condition” character (Character) NONE  
bionics: “activated_eocs” character (Character) NONE act_cost, int, cost of activation of item
bionics: “deactivated_eocs” character (Character) NONE  
bionics: “processed_eocs” character (Character) NONE  
mutation: “activated_eocs” character (Character) NONE  
mutation: “deactivated_eocs” character (Character) NONE  
mutation: “processed_eocs” character (Character) NONE  
recipe: “result_eocs” crafter (Character) NONE  
monster weakpoint: “effect_on_conditions” attacker (Creature, if exists, otherwise NONE) victim (Creature) note that if weakpoint was hit without attacker, EoC would be built without alpha talker, so using EoC referencing u_ would result in error. Use has_alpha condition before manipulating alpha talker
monster death: “death_function” killer (Creature, if exists, otherwise NONE) victim (Creature) Note that if monster was killed without a killer (falling anvil, explosion of a bomb etc), EoC would be built without alpha talker, so using EoC referencing u_ would result in error. Use has_alpha condition before manipulating alpha talker
ammo_effect: “eoc” shooter (Creature) victim (if exist, otherwise NONE) (Creature) proj_damage, int, amount of damage projectile dealt. Detonation via SPECIAL_COOKOFF ammo effect return proj_damage as 1. Note that if projectile miss the target, EoC would be built without beta talker, so using EoC referencing npc_ or n_ would result in error. Use has_beta condition before manipulating npc

Some actions sent additional context variables, that can be used in EoC, in format:

{ "compare_string": [ "bio_uncanny_dodge", { "context_val": "id" } ] }
{ "math": [ "_act_cost", "==", "2000" ] }

Value types

Effect on Condition uses a huge variety of different values for effects or for conditions to check against, so to standardize it, most of them are explained here

name description example
simple string technically lack of any type - you just write a sting, and effect is called or check is performed: “barber_beard”, “u_female”, “u_is_deaf” N/A
int simple number. Decimals also allowed most of the time 0, 10, -55, 987, 0.1, 0.5, -0.00001, 9.87654321
string anything within of quotation marks ", usually id’s or plain text: "mon_zombie", "fd_blood", "just generic text i want to print in message"
boolean just boolean true, false
duration string, that contain number and unit of time, that the game code transform into seconds and put into the game. It is possible to use int instead of duration, but it is recommended to use duration for the readability sake. Possible values are s/seconds, m/minutes, h/hours, d/days 1, "1 s", "1 seconds", "60 minutes", 3600, "99 minutes", "2 d", "365 days"
value between two not a separate format, it means the field can accept two values simultaneously, and pick a random between this two; only values, that uses int can utilize it (int, duration or variable object usually) [ 1, 10 ],</br>[ "30 seconds", "50 seconds" ],</br>[ -1, 1 ],</br>[ { "global_val": "small_variable" }, { "global_val": "big_variable" } ],</br>[ { "global_val": "small_variable" }, 100 ]
array not a separate format, it means the field can accept multiple values, and the game either will pick one random between them, or apply all of them simultaneously [ "Somewhere", "Nowhere", "Everywhere", "Yesterday", "Tomorrow" ]
variable object any variable object; can be int, time or string, stored in said variable, or math syntax { "global_val": "some_value" },</br>{ "u_val": "some_personal_value" },</br>{ "math": [ "some_value * 5 + 1" ] }
location variable not a separate format, just any variable object that store location coordinates, usually obtained by using u_location_variable / npc_location_variable { "global_val": "some_location" },</br>{ "u_val": "some_location_i_know" }

There is some amount of another types, that are not explained here, like “search_data” or “fake_spell”, but since this one are rarely reused, they are described in the effects that utilize them

Variable Object

Variable object is a value, that changes due some conditions. Variable can be int, time, string, math expression or location variable. Types of variables are:

  • u_val - variable, that is stored in this character, and, if player dies, the variable is lost also (or if you swap the avatar, for example; the secret one NPC told to character A would be lost for character B);
  • npc_val - variable, that is stored in beta talker
  • global_val - variable, that is store in the world, and won’t be lost until you delete said world
  • context_val - variable, that was delivered from some another entity; For example, EVENT type EoCs can deliver specific variables contributor can use to perform specific checks: character_casts_spell event, that is called every time, you guess it, character cast spell, it also store information about spell name, difficulty and damage, so contributor can create a specific negative effect for every spell casted, depending on this values; Generalized EoCs can also create and use context variables; math equivalent is variable name with _
  • var_val - var_val is a unique variable object in the fact that it attempts to resolve the variable stored inside a context variable. The values for var_val use the same syntax for scope that math variables do.
Prefix of the value in var_val Resolved as
No Prefix or g_ global_val
_ context_val
u_ u_val
n_ npc_val
v_ var_val

In practice, { "var_val": "name" } can be understood as { "global_val/context_val/u_val/npc_val": { "context_val": "name" } }.

So if you had

Name Type Value
ref context_val key1
ref2 context_val u_key2
key1 global_val SOME TEXT
key2 u_val SOME OTHER TEXT
  • If you access “ref” as a context val it will have the value of “key1”, if you access it as a var_val it will have a value of “SOME TEXT”.
  • If you access “ref2” as a context val it will have the value of “u_key2”, if you access it as a var_val it will have a value of “SOME OTHER TEXT”.

For example, imagine you have context variable { "context_val": "my_best_gun" }, and this my_best_gun variable contain text any_random_gun; also you have a { "global_val": "any_random_gun" }, and this any_random_gun variable happened to contain text ak47 With both of this, you can use effect "u_spawn_item": { "var_val": "my_best_gun" }, and the game will spawn ak47, since it is what is stored inside my_best_gun global variable


you add morale equal to how_good variable

{ "u_add_morale": "morale_feeling_good", "bonus": { "u_val": "how_good" } }

you add morale random between u_how_good and u_how_bad variable

{ "u_add_morale": "morale_feeling_good", "bonus": [ { "u_val": "how_good" }, { "u_val": "how_bad" } ] }

You make sound Wow, your'e smart equal to beta talker’s intelligence

{ "u_make_sound": "Wow, your'e smart", "volume": { "npc_val": "intelligence" } }

you add morale, equal to ps_str portal storm strength value

{ "u_add_morale": "global_val", "bonus": { "global_val": "ps_str" } }

you add morale, equal to ps_str portal storm strength value plus 1

{ "u_add_morale": "morale_feeling_good", "bonus": { "math": [ "ps_str + 1" ] } }

Effect on Condition, that is called every time player cast spell, and add thought morale_from_spell_difficulty with mood bonus equal to spell difficulty, and thought morale_from_spell_damage with mood bonus equal to damage difficulty

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_morale_from_spell",
  "eoc_type": "EVENT",
  "required_event": "character_casts_spell",
  "effect": [
    { "u_add_morale": "morale_from_spell_difficulty", "bonus": { "context_val": "difficulty" } }
    { "u_add_morale": "morale_from_spell_damage", "bonus": { "math": [ "_damage" ] } }

TODO: add example of usage context_val in generalized EoC, and example for var_val

Reactivation Support

Important to remember that reactivated EOCs currently lose all context variables and conditions. Fixing this is a desired feature.


    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "test_deactivate",
    "recurrence": 1,
    "condition": { "u_has_trait": "SPIRITUAL" },
    "deactivate_condition": { "not":{ "u_has_trait": "SPIRITUAL" } },
    "effect": { "u_add_effect": "infection", "duration": 1 }
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "test_stats",
    "recurrence": [ 1, 10 ],
    "condition": { "not": { "u_has_strength": 7 } },
    "effect": { "u_add_effect": "infection", "duration": 1 }


Dialogue conditions is a way to check is some specific statements are true or false. Conditions can be used both in dialogue with NPC, and in Effect on Conditions. The following keys and strings are available:

Boolean logic

Conditions can be combined into blocks using "and", "or" and "not"

  • "and" allow to check multiple conditions, and if each of them are true, condition return true, otherwise false
  • "or" allow to check multiple conditions, and if at least one of them is true, condition return true, otherwise false
  • "not" allow to check only one condition (but this condition could be "and" or "or", that themselves can check multiple conditions), and swap the result of condition: if you get true, the condition return false


Checks if weather is lightning, and you have effect narcosis

"condition": { "and": [ { "is_weather": "lightning" }, { "u_has_effect": "narcosis" } ] }

Checks if weather is portal storm or distant portal storm or close portal storm

"condition": { "or": [ { "is_weather": "portal_storm" }, { "is_weather": "distant_portal_storm" }, { "is_weather": "close_portal_storm" } ] }

Checks you are not close to refugee center (at least 4 overmap tiles afar)

"condition": { "not": { "u_near_om_location": "evac_center_18", "range": 4 } }

Checks you don’t have any traits from the list

"condition": {
  "and": [
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_ARMS" } },
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_SKIN" } },
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_EYES" } },
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_HANDS" } },
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_LEGS" } },
    { "not": { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_MOUTH" } }

Same as previous, but with different syntax

"condition": {
  "not": {
    "or": [
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_ARMS" },
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_SKIN" },
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_EYES" },
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_HANDS" },
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_LEGS" },
      { "u_has_trait": "HUMAN_MOUTH" }

Checks there is portal storm and you have MAKAYLA_MUTATOR mutation and you do not have item with PORTAL_PROOF flag and you are outside

"condition": {
  "and": [
    { "is_weather": "portal_storm" },
    { "u_has_trait": "MAKAYLA_MUTATOR" },
    { "not": { "u_has_worn_with_flag": "PORTAL_PROOF" } },

Possible conditions


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker exist

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


return true if beta talker exists

"condition": "has_beta",

u_maleu_female, npc_malenpc_female

  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker is male or female

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


return true if alpha talker is female

"condition": "npc_female",

u_is_avataru_is_npc, u_is_characteru_is_monsteru_is_itemu_is_furniture, npc_is_avatarnpc_is_npc, npc_is_characternpc_is_monsternpc_is_itemnpc_is_furniture

  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker is avatar / NPC / character / monster / item /furniture
  • avatar is you, player, that control specific NPC (yes, your character is still NPC, you just can control it, as you can control another NPC using faction succession)
  • npc is any NPC, except Avatar
  • character is both NPC or Avatar
Creature ---> Character ---> avatar
          \              \
           \              \--> npc
            \---> monster

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


return true if alpha talker is character (avatar or NPC)

"condition": "u_is_character",


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha talker stands on specific overmap tile;
  • FACTION_CAMP_ANY can be used, that return true if alpha or beta talker stand on faction camp tile;
  • FACTION_CAMP_START can be used, that return true if alpha or beta talker stand on tile, that can be turned into faction camp

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


return true if alpha talker at the field

{ "u_at_om_location": "field" }

return true if alpha talker at faction camp

{ "u_at_om_location": "FACTION_CAMP_ANY" }

return true if alpha talker at location that can be transformed to faction camp

{ "npc_at_om_location": "FACTION_CAMP_START" }

u_has_traitnpc_has_trait, u_has_any_trait, npc_has_any_trait

  • type: string or variable object
  • check does alpha or beta talker have specific trait/mutation;
  • _has_trait checks only 1 trait, when _has_any_trait check a range, and return true if at least one trait is presented;

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


checks do alpha talker have EAGLEEYED trait

{ "u_has_trait": "EAGLEEYED" }

using _has_any_trait with single trait is also possible

{ "u_has_any_trait": [ "EAGLEEYED" ] }
{ "u_has_any_trait": [ "CANINE_EARS", "LUPINE_EARS", "FELINE_EARS", "URSINE_EARS", "ELFA_EARS" ] }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if the alpha or beta talker has a trait/mutation that has any visibility (defined in mutation visibility field); probably was designed if alpha or beta talker was able to hide it’s mutations, but it’s hard to say

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Checks do alpha talker has FEATHERS mutation

{ "u_has_trait": "FEATHERS" }

u_is_trait_purifiable, npc_is_trait_purifiable

  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if the checked trait is purifiable for the alpha or beta talker
  • non-purifiability is either set globally in the trait definition or per-character via u/npc_set_trait_purifiability

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Checks if the FEATHERS trait is purifiable for the character (returns true as per the trait definition unless another effect set the trait non-purifiable for the target)

{ "u_is_trait_purifiable": "FEATHERS" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has some martial art

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


{ "u_has_martial_art": "style_aikido" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker using the martial art

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


{ "u_using_martial_art": "style_aikido" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has specific flag; special flag MUTATION_THRESHOLD can be used to check do alpha talker has any mutant threshold; for monsters both json flags (applied by effects) and monster flags can be checked

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Note: For terrain and furniture, map_terrain_with_flag, map_furniture_with_flag can also be used.


Alpha talker has GRAB flag, and beta talker has GRAB_FILTER flag; monster uses it to perform grabs - the game checks do monster (alpha talker, u_) has GRAB flag (i.e. able to grab at all), and check is target able to be grabbed using GRAB_FILTER flag

{ "npc_has_flag": "GRAB_FILTER" }, { "u_has_flag": "GRAB" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • true if alpha or beta talker has the defined species

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item


alpha talker is SLIME

{ "u_has_species": "SLIME" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • true if alpha / beta talker monster has the defined bodytype
  • for player / NPC return true if bodytype is human

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


alpha talker has bodytype migo , and beta has bodytype human

{ "u_bodytype": "migo" }, { "npc_bodytype": "human" }


DEPRECATED, use compare_string in format { "compare_string": [ "yes", { "npc_val": "name_of_the_variable" } ] }

  • type: string
  • checks do alpha or beta talker has specific variables, that was added u_add_var or npc_add_var
  • type, context and value of the variable is also required

Note: Not to be confused with the global has_var (no prefix), used as dialogue function to check if the variable is defined. In other words, if it exists.

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Checks do alpha talker has u_met_sadie variable

{ "compare_string": [ "yes", { "u_val": "general_meeting_u_met_sadie" } ] }


  • type: array of strings and/or variable object
  • return true if each provided variable exist
  • return false and create debug error message if check fails

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


checks this var exists

{ "expects_vars": [ "u_met_me", "u_met_you", "u_met_yourself" ] }


  • type: pair of strings or variable objects
  • Compare two strings, and return true if strings are equal


checks if victim_type is mon_zombie_phase_shrike

{ "compare_string": [ "mon_zombie_phase_shrike", { "context_val": "victim_type" } ] }

checks is victim_type has zombie faction

{ "compare_string": [ "zombie", { "mutator": "mon_faction", "mtype_id": { "context_val": "victim_type" } } ] }


  • type: string or variable object
  • Return true if player character has the given profession id or its “hobby” subtype

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️


True if the character has selected Heist Driver profession at the character creation

{ "u_profession": "heist_driver" }

True if the character has selected Fishing background at the character creation

{ "u_profession": "fishing" }

u_has_strengthnpc_has_strength, u_has_dexteritynpc_has_dexterity, u_has_intelligencenpc_has_intelligence, u_has_perceptionnpc_has_perception

  • type: int or variable object
  • Return true if alpha or beta talker stat is at least the value or higher

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


True, if alpha talker has str 7 or more

{ "u_has_strength": 7 }


  • type: int or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker’s body part has temperature higher than value; additional parameter bodypart specifies the body part
  • temperature is written in arbitrary units, described in weather.h: Body temperature is measured on a scale of 0u to 10000u, where 10u = 0.02C and 5000u is 37C

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check is your torso is 37 centigrade

{ "u_has_part_temp": 5000, "bodypart": "torso" }

u_has_itemnpc_has_item, u_has_items, npc_has_items

  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if item or items are presented in your or NPC inventory;
  • _has_items require count or charges to define how much copies of items (for count) or charges inside item (for charges) alpha or beta talker has

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you have a guitar

{ "u_has_item": "guitar" }

check do you have 6 ropes

{ "u_has_items": { "item": "rope_6", "count": 6 } }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker have items of specific category;
  • count can be used to check amount of items bigger than 1

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you have manual in inventory

{ "u_has_item_category": "manuals" }

check do you have 3 manuals in inventory

{ "u_has_item_category": "manuals", "count": 3 }


  • type: array of pairs, pair is string or variable object and int or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has enough items from the list
  • item is an item that should be checked;
  • amount is amount of items that should be found
  • may be used in pair with _consume_item_sum

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you have 10 blankets of any type in the list

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "condition": {
      "u_has_items_sum": [
        { "item": "blanket", "amount": 10 },
        { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 10 },
        { "item": "electric_blanket", "amount": 10 }
    "effect": [ { "u_message": "true" } ],
    "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "false" } ]

Check do you have enough blankets to cover required amount (for example, it return true if you have 5 blanket and 10 electric_blanket (each contribute 50% to the desired amount))

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "condition": {
      "u_has_items_sum": [
        { "item": "blanket", "amount": 10 },
        { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 15 },
        { "item": "electric_blanket", "amount": 20 }
    "effect": [ { "u_message": "true" } ],
    "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "false" } ]

Variables are also supported

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "condition": {
      "u_has_items_sum": [
        { "item": { "global_val": "foo" }, "amount": { "math": "20 + 2" } },
        { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 15 },
        { "item": "electric_blanket", "amount": 20 }
    "effect": [ { "u_message": "true" } ],
    "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "false" } ]


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has specific bionic; ANY can be used to return true if any bionic is presented

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you have bio_synlungs

{ "u_has_bionics": "bio_synlungs" }

check do you have any bionic presented

{ "u_has_bionics": "ANY" }

u_has_effectnpc_has_effect, u_has_any_effect, npc_has_any_effect

  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has specific effect applied. _has_effect checks only one effect, when _has_any_effect check a range, and return true if at least one effect is applied;
  • intensity can be used to check an effect of specific intensity;
  • bodypart can be used to check effect applied on specific body part
  • martial arts static_buffs can be checked in form mabuff:buff_id

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


checks are you infected

{ "u_has_effect": "infected" }

checks are you head bleed heavily

{ "u_has_effect": "bleed", "intensity": 10, "bodypart": "head" }

checks do you have aikido stance active

{ "u_has_effect": "mabuff:buff_aikido_static1" }

checks are you hot or cold

{ "u_has_any_effect": [ "hot", "cold" ], "bodypart": "torso" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker has mastered a proficiency (to 100%).

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you have Principles of Chemistry

{ "u_has_proficiency": "prof_intro_chemistry" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield an item, and have enough space to put it away

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


You have equipped an item that you can stow


You have equipped an item that you can not stow, either because it’s bionic pseudoitem, you have no space to store it, or by any another reason

{ "not": "u_can_stow_weapon" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield an item, and can drop it on the ground (i.e. weapon has no NO_UNWIELD flag like retracted bionic claws or monomolecular blade bionics)

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


{ "not": "u_can_drop_weapon" }

u_has_wielded_with_flag may be used to replicate the effect

{ "u_has_wielded_with_flag": "NO_UNWIELD" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield any item

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️



You don’t wield anything

{ "not": "u_has_weapon" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker control a vehicle; Nota bene: NPCs cannot currently operate vehicles

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️



true if you do not drive

{ "not": "u_controlling_vehicle" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker operate a moving vehicle; Nota bene: NPCs cannot currently operate vehicles

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️



true if you do not drive

{ "not": "u_driving" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if character know specific recipe;
  • only memorized recipes count, not recipes written in the book

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️


check do you memorize meat_hunk recipe

{ "u_know_recipe": "meat_hunk" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wear some item with specific flag

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you wear something with RAD_DETECT flag

{ "u_has_worn_with_flag": "RAD_DETECT" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield something with specific flag

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you wield something with WHIP flag

{ "u_has_wielded_with_flag": "WHIP" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield something with specific weapon category

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you wield something with LONG_SWORDS weapon category

{ "u_has_wielded_with_weapon_category": "LONG_SWORDS" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield a gun or melee weapon with this skill
  • gun skills are delivered from skill field
  • melee weapon skill is delivered from the highest damage type item has

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you wield a gun with pistol skill

{ "u_has_wielded_with_skill": "pistol" } 


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker wield an item that can have this ammo type
  • works with items that allow multiple ammo types

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you wield a gun with 22 ammo type (.22 LR)

{ "u_has_wielded_with_ammotype": "22" } 


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker can see (not blind)

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️



You can’t see

{ "not": "u_can_see" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker can’t hear

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️



You can hear

{ "not": "u_is_deaf" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker is not dead

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️



NPC is dead

{ "not": "npc_is_alive" }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if alpha or beta talker is not null

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker stand on specific terrain

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you stand on grass

{ "u_is_on_terrain": "t_grass" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker stand on terrain with specific flag

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you stand on terrain with SHRUB flag

{ "u_is_on_terrain_with_flag": "SHRUB" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker stand on specific field

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


check do you stand in a cloud of smoke

{ "u_is_in_field": "fd_smoke" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • For avatar (player), create a popup with message, that could be answered as “yes” and “no”. if “yes” is picked, true is returned, otherwise false;
  • default field should be used to specify default output for NPC, that player do not control;
  • popup is created only if the rest of conditions are true

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Create a popup with message You have died. Continue as one of your followers?

{ "u_query": "You have died.  Continue as one of your followers?", "default": false }


  • type: string
  • Ask the player to select a tile. If tile is selected, true is returned, otherwise false;
  • anywhere, line_of_sight, around are possible
    • anywhere is the same as the “look around” UI
    • line_of_sight only tiles that are visible at this moment (range is mandatory)
    • around is the same as starting a fire, you can only choose the 9 tiles you’re immediately adjacent to
  • target_var is variable object to contain coordinates of selected tile (mandatory)
  • range defines the selectable range for line_of_sight (mandatory for line_of_sight, otherwise not required)
  • z_level defines allow if select other z-level for anywhere
  • message is displayed while selecting

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item


Display coordinates of selected tile.

  "if": { "u_query_tile": "line_of_sight", "target_var": { "context_val": "pos" }, "message": "Select point", "range": 10 },
  "then": { "u_message": "<context_val:pos>" },
  "else": { "u_message": "Canceled" }


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if the terrain or furniture has specific flag
  • loc will specify location of terrain or furniture (mandatory)

Valid talkers:

No talker is needed.


Check the north terrain or furniture has TRANSPARENT flag.

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_ter_furn_check",
  "effect": [
      { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,-1,0)" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" } },
        "if": { "map_terrain_with_flag": "TRANSPARENT", "loc": { "context_val": "loc" } },
        "then": { "u_message": "North terrain: TRANSPARENT" },
        "else": { "u_message": "North terrain: Not TRANSPARENT" }
        "if": { "map_furniture_with_flag": "TRANSPARENT", "loc": { "context_val": "loc" } },
        "then": { "u_message": "North furniture: TRANSPARENT" },
        "else": { "u_message": "North furniture: Not TRANSPARENT" }

map_terrain_idmap_furniture_id, map_field_id

  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if the terrain, furniture or field has specific id
  • loc will specify location of terrain or furniture (mandatory)

Valid talkers:

No talker is needed.


Runs a query, allowing you to pick specific tile around. When picked, stores coordinates of this tile in check_terrain variable, and then check is it a t_grass. If yes, effect is run, otherwise false_effect is run

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_TEST_QUERY",
  "condition": {
    "and": [
        "u_query_tile": "line_of_sight",
        "target_var": { "context_val": "check_terrain" },
        "message": "Check what terrain it is",
        "range": 10
      { "map_terrain_id": "t_grass", "loc": { "context_val": "check_terrain" } }
  "effect": [ { "u_message": "it is a grass" } ],
  "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "it is NOT a grass" } ]


  • type: location string or variable object
  • return true if the location is in a city

Valid talkers:

No talker is needed.


Check the location is in a city.

{ "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "loc" } },
  "if": { "map_in_city": { "context_val": "loc" } },
  "then": { "u_message": "Inside city" },
  "else": { "u_message": "Outside city" }

player_see_u, player_see_npc

  • type: simple string
  • return true if player can see alpha or beta talker

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


return true if player can see NPC.

"condition": "player_see_npc",


  • type: location string or variable object
  • return true if alpha or beta talker can see the location

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


You can see selected location.

  "if": { "u_query_tile": "anywhere", "target_var": { "context_val": "pos" }, "message": "Select point" },
  "then": {
    "if": { "u_can_see_location": { "context_val": "pos" } },
    "then": { "u_message": "You can see <context_val:pos>." },
    "else": { "u_message": "You can't see <context_val:pos>." }


  • type: simple string
  • return true if beta talker is an item and has enough ammo for at least one “shot”.


  • type: string or variable object
  • return true if the provided eoc’s condition returns true

Valid talkers:

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Check whether the eoc test_condition would use its true or false effect

{ "test_eoc": "test_condition" }

Reusable EOCs:

The code base supports the use of reusable EOCs, you can use these to get guaranteed effects by passing in specific variables. The codebase supports the following:

EOC Name Description Variables
EOC_RandEnc Spawns a random encounter at the specified omt with mapgen update map_update that is later removed with map_removal. It has a 1 in chance chance of happening and can only occur after days_till_spawn. Can optionally only happen if random_enc_condition is true map_update: a mapgen update ID
omt: overmap tile ID where this happens
map_removal: a mapgen update ID
chance: an integer
days_till_spawn: an integer
random_enc_condition: a set condition


EVENT EOCs trigger on in game events specified in the event_type enum in event.h. When an EVENT EOC triggers it tries to perform the EOC on the NPC that is the focus of the event and if it cannot determine one, triggers on the avatar. So any cata_event that has a field for “avatar_id”, “character”, “attacker”, “killer”, “npc” will potentially resolve to another npc rather than the avatar, based on who the event triggers for.

Event Context Vars:

Every event EOC passes context vars with each of their key value pairs that the event has in C++. They are all converted to strings when made context variables but their original types are included for reference below. At some point this documentation may go out of sync, The up to date info for each event can be found in event.h

Event EOC Types:

EVENT Description Context Variables Talker(alpha/beta)  
activates_artifact Triggers when the player activates an artifact { “character”, character_id },
{ “item_name”, string },
character / NONE  
activates_mininuke Triggers when any character arms a mininuke { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
administers_mutagen   { “character”, character_id },
{ “technique”, mutagen_technique },
character / NONE  
angers_amigara_horrors Triggers when amigara horrors are spawned as part of a mine finale NONE avatar / NONE  
avatar_enters_omt   { “pos”, tripoint },
{ “oter_id”, oter_id },
avatar / NONE  
avatar_moves   { “mount”, mtype_id },
{ “terrain”, ter_id },
{ “movement_mode”, move_mode_id },
{ “underwater”, bool },
{ “z”, int },
avatar / NONE  
avatar_dies   NONE avatar / NONE  
awakes_dark_wyrms Triggers when pedestal_wyrm examine action is used NONE avatar / NONE  
becomes_wanted Triggered when copbots/riot bots are spawned as part of a timed event after mon/char is photo’d by eyebot { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
broken_bone Triggered when any body part reaches 0 hp { “character”, character_id },
{ “part”, body_part },
character / NONE  
broken_bone_mends Triggered when mending effect is removed by expiry (Character::mend) { “character”, character_id },
{ “part”, body_part },
character / NONE  
buries_corpse Triggers when item with flag CORPSE is located on same tile as construction with post-special done_grave is completed { “character”, character_id },
{ “corpse_type”, mtype_id },
{ “corpse_name”, string },
character / NONE  
camp_taken_over Triggers any faction’s camp is taken over { “old_owner”, faction_id },
{ “new_Owner”, faction_id },
{ “camp_name”, string },
{ “was_violent”, bool },
avatar / NONE  
causes_resonance_cascade Triggers when resonance cascade option is activated via “old lab” finale’s computer NONE avatar / NONE  
character_butchered_corpse Triggers after succesful butchering action. Possible values of butcher_type are ACT_BLEED, ACT_BUTCHER, ACT_BUTCHER_FULL, ACT_FIELD_DRESS, ACT_SKIN, ACT_QUARTER, ACT_DISMEMBER, ACT_DISSECT { “character”, character_id }, { “monster_id”, mtype_id }, { “butcher_type”, string }, character / NONE  
character_casts_spell Triggers when a character casts spells. When a spell with multiple effects is cast, the number of effects will be triggered { “character”, character_id },
{ “spell”, spell_id },
{ “school”, trait_id },
{ “difficulty”, int },
{ “cost”, int },
{ “cast_time”, int },
{ “damage”, int },
character / NONE  
character_consumes_item   { “character”, character_id },
{ “itype”, itype_id },
character / NONE  
character_dies   { “character”, character_id }, character / NONE  
character_eats_item   { “character”, character_id },
{ “itype”, itype_id },
character / NONE  
character_finished_activity Triggered when character finished or canceled activity { “character”, character_id },
{ “activity”, activity_id },
{ “canceled”, bool }
character / NONE  
character_forgets_spell   { “character”, character_id },
{ “spell”, spell_id }
character / NONE  
character_gains_effect   { “character”, character_id },
{ “effect”, efftype_id },
{ “bodypart”, bodypart_id }
character / NONE  
character_gets_headshot   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
character_heals_damage   { “character”, character_id },
{ “damage”, int },
character / NONE  
character_kills_character   { “killer”, character_id },
{ “victim”, character_id },
{ “victim_name”, string },
character / NONE  
character_kills_monster   { “killer”, character_id },
{ “victim_type”, mtype_id },
{ “exp”, int },
character / monster  
character_learns_spell   { “character”, character_id },
{ “spell”, spell_id }
character / NONE  
character_loses_effect   { “character”, character_id },
{ “effect”, efftype_id },
{ “bodypart”, bodypart_id }
character / NONE  
character_melee_attacks_character   { “attacker”, character_id },
{ “weapon”, itype_id },
{ “hits”, bool },
{ “victim”, character_id },
{ “victim_name”, string },
character (attacker) / character (victim)  
character_melee_attacks_monster   { “attacker”, character_id },
{ “weapon”, itype_id },
{ “hits”, bool },
{ “victim_type”, mtype_id },
character / monster  
character_radioactively_mutates triggered when a character mutates due to being irradiated { “character”, character_id }, character / NONE  
character_ranged_attacks_character   { “attacker”, character_id },
{ “weapon”, itype_id },
{ “victim”, character_id },
{ “victim_name”, string },
character (attacker) / character (victim)  
character_ranged_attacks_monster   { “attacker”, character_id },
{ “weapon”, itype_id },
{ “victim_type”, mtype_id },
character / monster  
character_smashes_tile   { “character”, character_id },
{ “terrain”, ter_str_id }, { “furniture”, furn_str_id },
character / NONE  
character_starts_activity Triggered when character starts or resumes activity { “character”, character_id },
{ “activity”, activity_id },
{ “resume”, bool }
character / NONE  
character_takes_damage triggers when character gets any damage from any creature { “character”, character_id },
{ “damage”, int },
character / attacker if exists, otherwise NONE(character or monster) use has_beta conditon before interacting with beta talker
monster_takes_damage triggers when monster gets any damage from any creature. Includes damages from effects like bleeding { “damage”, int },
{ “dies”, bool },
monster / attacker if exists, otherwise NONE(character or monster) use has_beta conditon before interacting with beta talker
character_triggers_trap   { “character”, character_id },
{ “trap”, trap_str_id },
character / NONE  
character_wakes_up triggers in the moment player lost it’s sleep effect and wakes up { “character”, character_id }, character / NONE  
character_attempt_to_fall_asleep triggers in the moment character tries to fall asleep, after confirming and setting an alarm, but before “you lie down” { “character”, character_id }, character / NONE  
character_falls_asleep triggers in the moment character actually falls asleep; trigger includes cases where character sleep for a short time because of sleepiness or drugs; duration of the sleep can be changed mid sleep because of hurt/noise/light/pain thresholds and another factors { “character”, character_id }, { “duration”, int_ (in seconds) } character / NONE  
character_wields_item   { “character”, character_id },
{ “itype”, itype_id },
character / item to wield  
character_wears_item   { “character”, character_id },
{ “itype”, itype_id },
character / item to wear  
consumes_marloss_item   { “character”, character_id },
{ “itype”, itype_id },
character / NONE  
crosses_marloss_threshold   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
crosses_mutation_threshold   { “character”, character_id },
{ “category”, mutation_category_id },
character / NONE  
crosses_mycus_threshold   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
cuts_tree   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dermatik_eggs_hatch   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dermatik_eggs_injected   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
destroys_triffid_grove Triggered only via spell with effect_str ROOTS_DIE (currently via death spell of triffid heart) NONE avatar / NONE  
dies_from_asthma_attack   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_from_drug_overdose   { “character”, character_id },
{ “effect”, efftype_id },
character / NONE  
dies_from_bleeding   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_from_hypovolemia   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_from_redcells_loss   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_of_infection   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_of_starvation   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
dies_of_thirst   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
digs_into_lava   NONE avatar / NONE  
disarms_nuke Triggered via disarm missile computer action in missile silo special NONE avatar / NONE  
eats_sewage Triggered via use action SEWAGE NONE avatar / NONE  
evolves_mutation   { “character”, character_id },
{ “from_trait”, trait_id },
{ “to_trait”, trait_id },
character / NONE  
exhumes_grave Triggers when construction with post-special done_dig_grave or done_dig_grave_nospawn is completed { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
fails_to_install_cbm   { “character”, character_id },
{ “bionic”, bionic_id },
character / NONE  
fails_to_remove_cbm   { “character”, character_id },
{ “bionic”, bionic_id },
character / NONE  
falls_asleep_from_exhaustion   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
fuel_tank_explodes Triggers when vehicle part (that is watertight container/magazine with magazine pocket/or is a reactor) is sufficiently damaged { “vehicle_name”, string }, avatar / NONE  
gains_addiction   { “character”, character_id },
{ “add_type”, addiction_id },
character / NONE  
gains_mutation   { “character”, character_id },
{ “trait”, trait_id },
character / NONE  
gains_proficiency   { “character”, character_id },
{ “proficiency”, proficiency_id },
character / NONE  
gains_skill_level   { “character”, character_id },
{ “skill”, skill_id },
{ “new_level”, int },
character / NONE  
game_avatar_death Triggers during bury screen with ASCII grave art is displayed (when avatar dies, obviously) { “avatar_id”, character_id },
{ “avatar_name”, string },
{ “avatar_is_male”, bool },
{ “is_suicide”, bool },
{ “last_words”, string },
avatar / NONE  
game_avatar_new Triggers when new character is controlled and during new game character initialization { “is_new_game”, bool },
{ “is_debug”, bool },
{ “avatar_id”, character_id },
{ “avatar_name”, string },
{ “avatar_is_male”, bool },
{ “avatar_profession”, profession_id },
{ “avatar_custom_profession”, string },
avatar / NONE  
game_load Triggers only when loading a saved game (not a new game!) { “cdda_version”, string }, avatar / NONE  
game_begin Triggered during game load and new game start { “cdda_version”, string }, avatar / NONE  
game_over Triggers after fully accepting death, epilogues etc. have played (probably not useable for eoc purposes?) { “total_time_played”, chrono_seconds }, avatar / NONE  
game_save   { “time_since_load”, chrono_seconds },
{ “total_time_played”, chrono_seconds },
avatar / NONE  
game_start Triggered only during new game character initialization { “game_version”, string }, avatar / NONE  
installs_cbm   { “character”, character_id },
{ “bionic”, bionic_id },
character / NONE  
installs_faulty_cbm   { “character”, character_id },
{ “bionic”, bionic_id },
character / NONE  
learns_martial_art   { “character”, character_id },
{ “martial_art”, matype_id },
character / NONE  
loses_addiction   { “character”, character_id },
{ “add_type”, addiction_id },
character / NONE  
loses_mutation   { “character”, character_id },
{ “trait”, trait_id },
character / NONE  
npc_becomes_hostile Triggers when NPC’s attitude is set to NPCATT_KILL via dialogue effect hostile { “npc”, character_id },
{ “npc_name”, string },
opens_portal Triggers when TOGGLE PORTAL option is activated via (“old lab” finale’s?) computer NONE avatar / NONE  
opens_spellbook Triggers when player opens the spell menu OR when NPC evaluates spell as best weapon(in preparation to use it) { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
opens_temple Triggers when pedestal_temple examine action is used to consume a petrified eye NONE avatar / NONE  
player_fails_conduct   { “conduct”, achievement_id },
{ “achievements_enabled”, bool },
avatar / NONE  
player_gets_achievement   { “achievement”, achievement_id },
{ “achievements_enabled”, bool },
avatar / NONE  
player_levels_spell triggers when player changes it’s spell level, either by casting a spell, reading spell book, or using EoC. Spawning a new character with spells defined by using spells in chargen option will also run an event { “character”, character_id },
{ “spell”, spell_id },
{ “new_level”, int },{ “spell_class”, trait_id }
character / NONE  
reads_book   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
releases_subspace_specimens Triggers when Release Specimens option is activated via (“old lab” finale’s?) computer NONE avatar / NONE  
removes_cbm   { “character”, character_id },
{ “bionic”, bionic_id },
character / NONE  
seals_hazardous_material_sarcophagus Triggers via srcf_seal_order computer action NONE avatar / NONE  
spellcasting_finish Triggers only once when a character finishes casting a spell { “character”, character_id },
{ “success”, bool },
{ “spell”, spell_id },
{ “school”, trait_id },
{ “difficulty”, int },
{ “cost”, int },
{ “cast_time”, int },
{ “damage”, int },
character / NONE  
telefrags_creature (Unimplemented) { “character”, character_id },
{ “victim_name”, string },
character / NONE  
teleglow_teleports Triggers when character(only avatar is actually eligible) is teleported due to teleglow effect { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
teleports_into_wall Triggers when character(only avatar is actually eligible) is teleported into wall { “character”, character_id },
{ “obstacle_name”, string },
character / NONE  
terminates_subspace_specimens Triggers when Terminate Specimens option is activated via (“old lab” finale’s?) computer NONE avatar / NONE  
throws_up   { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
triggers_alarm Triggers when alarm is sounded as a failure state of hacking, prying, using a computer, or (if player is sufficiently close)damaged terrain with ALARMED flag { “character”, character_id } character / NONE  
uses_debug_menu   { “debug_menu_option”, debug_menu_index }, avatar / NONE  
u_var_changed   { “var”, string },
{ “value”, string },
avatar / NONE  
vehicle_moves   { “avatar_on_board”, bool },
{ “avatar_is_driving”, bool },
{ “avatar_remote_control”, bool },
{ “is_flying_aircraft”, bool },
{ “is_floating_watercraft”, bool },
{ “is_on_rails”, bool },
{ “is_falling”, bool },
{ “is_sinking”, bool },
{ “is_skidding”, bool },
{ “velocity”, int }, // vehicle current velocity, mph * 100
{ “z”, int },
avatar / NONE  

Context Variables For Other EOCs

Other EOCs have some variables as well that they have access to, they are as follows:

EOC Context Variables
mutation: “activated_eocs” { “this”, mutation_id }
mutation: “processed_eocs” { “this”, mutation_id }
mutation: “deactivated_eocs” { “this”, mutation_id }
damage_type: “ondamage_eocs” { “bp”, bodypart_id }, { “damage_taken”, double damage the character will take post mitigation }, { “total_damage”, double damage pre mitigation }
furniture: “examine_action” { “this”, furniture_id }, { “pos”, tripoint }




Play a sound effect from sound pack "type": "sound_effect"

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“sound_effect” mandatory string or variable object sound effect, that would be used, respond to variant field in "type": "sound_effect"
“id” optional string or variable object id, that would be used to play, respond to id field in "type": "sound_effect"
“outdoor_event” optional boolean default false; if true, and player is underground, the player is less likely to hear the sound
“volume” optional int or variable object default 80; volume at which the sound would be played; affected by hearing modifier
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Plays sound bionics, variant pixelated with volume 50

{ "sound_effect": "pixelated", "id": "bionics", "volume": 50 },


Opens up a dialog between the participants; this should only be used in effect_on_conditions, not in actual npc dialogue

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“topic” optional string or variable object if used, instead of the dialogue with the participant, this topic would be used with an empty talker
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if was successful, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Opens dialogue with topic TALK_PERK_MENU_MAIN

{ "open_dialogue": { "topic": "TALK_PERK_MENU_MAIN" } }

Opens a dialogue with computer; computer has defined "chat_topics": [ "COMP_REFUGEE_CENTER_MAIN" ], on the map side, which makes it valid participant

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect": [ "open_dialogue" ]


If beta talker is NPC, take control of it

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“take_control” mandatory simple string makes you control the NPC; works only if avatar (you) is alpha talker, and beta talker is NPC
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if take_control was successful, all true_eocs are run, otherwise all false_eocs run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Takes control of NPC

"effect": [ "take_control" ]

Takes control of NPC; If successful; EOC_GOOD is run, if not, EOC_BAD is run

{ "take_control": { "true_eocs": [ "EOC_GOOD" ], "false_eocs": [ "EOC_BAD" ] } }


Opens up a menu to choose a follower to take control of. Works only with your followers

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Opens the menu to swap the avatar

"effect": [ "take_control_menu" ]


Marks the given achievement as complete

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“give_achievement” mandatory string or variable object the achievement that would be given
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Gives achievement escaped_the_cataclysm

{ "give_achievement": "escaped_the_cataclysm" }

assign_mission: string or variable object Will assign mission to the player.


Will assign mission to the player

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“assign_mission” mandatory string or variable object Mission that would be assigned to the player
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Assign you a MISSION_REACH_FAKE_DAVE mission

{ "assign_mission": "MISSION_REACH_FAKE_DAVE" }


Will remove mission from the player’s active mission list without failing it.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“remove_active_mission” mandatory string or variable object mission that would be removed
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

removes MISSION_BONUS_KILL_BOSS mission from your list

{ "remove_active_mission": "MISSION_BONUS_KILL_BOSS" }


Will complete mission the player has, in one way or another // todo - test how optional success and step actually are

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“finish_mission” mandatory string or variable object id of the mission that would be finished
“success” optional boolean default false; if true, complete the mission as successful
“step” optional int if used, complete mission up to this step
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Complete the mission DID_I_WIN as failed

{ "finish_mission": "DID_I_WIN" }

Complete the mission DID_I_WIN as successful

{ "finish_mission": "DID_I_WIN", "success": true }

Complete the first step of a DID_I_WIN mission

{ "finish_mission": "DID_I_WIN", "step": 1 }


Adds this mission on a list NPC can offer

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“offer_mission” mandatory string, variable object or array id of a mission to offer
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

NPC can offer mission MISSION_GET_RELIC now

{ "offer_mission": "MISSION_GET_RELIC" }

Same as before

{ "offer_mission": [ "MISSION_GET_RELIC" ] }

NPC can offer missions MISSION_A, B and C now

{ "offer_mission": [ "MISSION_A", "MISSION_B", "MISSION_C" ] }


Runs another EoC. It can be a separate EoC, or an inline EoC inside run_eocs effect

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“run_eocs” mandatory string (eoc id or inline eoc) or variable object) or array of eocs EoC or EoCS that would be run
“repeat” optional int or variable object) if used, all eocs in run_eocs would be repeated this amount of times. Eocs are repeated in order; having "run_eocs": [ "A", "B" ], "repeat": 3 would look like A, B, A, B, A, B. Default 1
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


{ "run_eocs": [ "EOC_DO_GOOD_THING" ] }

Run inline are_you_strong EoC

"run_eocs": {
  "id": "are_you_strong",
  "condition": { "math": [ "u_val('strength')", ">", "8" ] },
  "effect": [ { "u_message": "You are strong" } ],
  "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "You are normal" } ]

Inline EoCs could have their own inline EoCS This EoC checks your str stat, and if it’s less than 4, write You are weak; if it’s bigger, are_you_strong EoC is run, that checks is your str is bigger than 8; if it’s less, You are normal is written if it’s bigger, are_you_super_strong effect is run, that checks is your str is bigger than 12; If it’s less, You are strong is written; if it’s more, You are super strong is written

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "are_you_weak",
  "//": "there is a variety of ways you can do the exact same effect that would work better",
  "//2": "but for the sake of example, let's ignore it",
  "condition": { "math": [ "u_val('strength')", ">", "4" ] },
  "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "You are weak" } ],
  "effect": {
    "run_eocs": {
      "id": "are_you_strong",
      "condition": { "math": [ "u_val('strength')", ">", "8" ] },
      "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "You are normal" } ],
      "effect": {
        "run_eocs": {
          "id": "are_you_super_strong",
          "condition": { "math": [ "u_val('strength')", ">", "12" ] },
          "effect": [ { "u_message": "You are super strong" } ],
          "false_effect": [ { "u_message": "You are strong" } ]

Use Context Variable as a eoc (A trick for loop)

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "debug_eoc_for_loop",
    "effect": [ { "run_eoc_with": "eoc_for_loop", "variables": { "i": "0", "length": "10", "eoc": "eoc_msg_hello_world" } } ]
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "eoc_msg_hello_world",
    "effect": [ { "u_message": "hello world" } ]
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "eoc_for_loop",
    "condition": { "and": [ { "expects_vars": [ "i", "length", "eoc" ] }, { "math": [ "_i", "<", "_length" ] } ] },
    "effect": [ { "run_eocs": [ { "context_val": "eoc" } ] }, { "math": [ "_i", "++" ] }, { "run_eocs": "eoc_for_loop" } ],
    "//": "Checks i is lesser than length, and if true, runs EoC, stored in context val 'eoc', increment i, and runs itself again; all context variables would be saved and passed to the next iteration"


Store the character_id of You or NPC into a variable object

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_set_talker” / “npc_set_talker” mandatory variable object the variable object to store the character_id
  "effect": [ 
    { "u_set_talker": { "global_val": "u_character_id" } }, 
    { "u_message": "Your character id is <global_val:u_character_id>" }
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Same as run_eocs, but runs the specific EoC with provided variables as context variables

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“run_eoc_with” mandatory string (eoc id or inline eoc) EoC or EoCS that would be run
“alpha_loc”,”beta_loc” optional string, variable object u_location_variable, where the EoC should be run. Set the alpha/beta talker to the creature at the location.
“alpha_talker”,”beta_talker” optional (If you use both “alpha_loc” and “alpha_talker”, “alpha_talker” will be ignored.) string, variable object Set alpha/beta talker. This can be either a character_id (you can get from EOC event or u_set_talker ) or some hard-coded values:
"": null talker
"u"/"npc": the alpha/beta talker of the EOC(Should be Avatar/Character/NPC/Monster)
"avatar": your avatar
“false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them false EOCs will run if
1. there is no creature at “alpha_loc”/”beta_loc”,or
2. “alpha_talker” or “beta_talker” doesn’t exist in the game (eg. dead NPC),or
3. alpha and beta talker are both null
“variables” optional pair of "variable_name": "variable" variables, that would be passed to the EoC; numeric values should be specified as strings; when a variable is an object and has the i18n member set to true, the variable will be localized; expects_vars condition can be used to ensure every variable exist before the EoC is run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Run EOC_BOOM EoC; completely same as run_eocs

{ "run_eoc_with": "EOC_BOOM" }

Run EOC_BOOM EoC at where_my_enemy_is location variable

{ "run_eoc_with": "EOC_BOOM", "beta_loc": { "global_val": "where_my_enemy_is" } },

The first EoC EOC_I_NEED_AN_AR15 run another EOC_GIVE_A_GUN EoC, and give it two variables: variable gun_name with value ar15_223medium and variable amount_of_guns with value 5; Second EoC EOC_I_NEED_AN_AK47 aslo run EOC_GIVE_A_GUN with the same variables, but now the values are ak47 and 3 EOC_GIVE_A_GUN, once called, will spawn a gun, depending on variables it got

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_I_NEED_AN_AR15",
  "effect": [
      "run_eoc_with": "EOC_GIVE_A_GUN",
      "variables": {
        "gun_name": "ar15_223medium",
        "amount_of_guns": "5"
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_I_NEED_AN_AK47",
  "effect": [
      "run_eoc_with": "EOC_GIVE_A_GUN",
      "variables": {
        "gun_name": "ak47",
        "amount_of_guns": "3"
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_GIVE_A_GUN",
  "condition": { "expects_vars": [ "gun_name", "amount_of_guns" ] },
  "effect": [
      "u_spawn_item": { "context_val": "gun_name" },
      "count": { "context_val": "amount_of_guns" }

Control a NPC and return to your original body. By using EOC_control_npc, you can gain control of an NPC, and your original body’s character_id will be stored in the global variable "player_id". Then, by using EOC_return_to_player, you can return to your original body.

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_control_npc",
  "effect": [
    { "u_set_talker": { "global_val": "player_id" } },
      "if": { "u_query_tile": "anywhere", "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" }, "message": "Select point" },
      "then": {
        "run_eoc_with": {
          "id": "_EOC_control_npc_do",
          "effect": [
              "if": "npc_is_npc",
              "then": [ "follow", "take_control" ],
              "else": { "message": "Please select a NPC." }
        "beta_loc": { "context_val": "loc" },
        "false_eocs": { "id": "_EOC_control_npc_fail_msg", "effect": { "message": "Please select a NPC." } }
      "else": { "u_message": "Canceled" }
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_return_to_player",
  "effect": [
      "run_eoc_with": { "id": "_EOC_return_to_player_do", "effect": [ "follow", "take_control" ] },
      "alpha_talker": "avatar",
      "beta_talker": { "global_val": "player_id" },
      "false_eocs": { "id": "_EOC_return_to_player_fail_msg", "effect": { "message": "Unable to locate your original body." } }


Same as run_eocs, but instead of running EoCs right now, put it in queue and run it in some future

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“queue_eocs” mandatory string (eoc id or inline eoc) or variable object or array of eocs EoCs, that would be added into queue; Could be an inline EoC
“time_in_future” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two When in the future EoC would be run; default 0
Valid talkers:

If the eoc is global the avatar will be u and npc will be invalid. Otherwise it will be queued for the current alpha if they are a character and not be queued otherwise.

Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

run EOC_BOOM_RIGHT_NOW instantly

{ "queue_eocs": "EOC_BOOM_RIGHT_NOW" }

run EOC_BOOM_RANDOM randomly in 20-30 seconds

{ "queue_eocs": "EOC_BOOM_RANDOM", "time_in_future": [ "20 seconds", "30 seconds" ] },


Combination of run_eoc_with and queue_eocs - Put EoC into queue and run into some future, with provided variables as context variables

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“queue_eoc_with” mandatory string (eoc id or inline eoc) EoC, that would be added into queue; Could be an inline EoC
“time_in_future” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two When in the future EoC would be run; default 0
“variables” optional pair of "variable_name": "variable" variables, that would be passed to the EoC; numeric values should be specified as strings; when a variable is an object and has the i18n member set to true, the variable will be localized; expects_vars condition can be used to ensure every variable exist before the EoC is run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

see a detailed example in run_eoc_with In three hours, you will be given five AR-15

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "queue_eoc_with": "EOC_GIVE_A_GUN",
      "time_in_future": "3 h",
      "variables": {
        "gun_name": "ar15_223medium",
        "amount_of_guns": 5
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_GIVE_A_GUN",
  "condition": { "expects_vars": [ "gun_name", "amount_of_guns" ] },
  "effect": [
      "u_spawn_item": { "context_val": "gun_name" },
      "count": { "context_val": "amount_of_guns" }


If you or NPC does not have all of the listed bionics, mutations, spells or recipes, gives one randomly

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_roll_remainder” / “npc_roll_remainder” mandatory string, variable or array of both thing, that would be rolled and given
“type” mandatory string or variable object type of thing that would be given; can be one of bionic, mutation, spell or recipe
“message” optional string or variable object message, that would be displayed in log, once remainder is used; %s symbol can be used in this message to write the name of a thing, that would be given; message would be printed only if roll was successful
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them If reminder was positive, all EoCs in true_eocs run, otherwise false_eocs run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Tries to give you a mutation A, B or C, if you don’t have one, with message You got %s!; If roll is successful, EOC_SUCCESS is run, otherwise EOC_FAIL is run

  "u_roll_remainder": [ "mutationA", "mutationB", "mutationC" ],
  "type": "mutation",
  "message": "You got %s!",
  "true_eocs": [ "EOC_SUCCESS" ],
  "false_eocs": [ "EOC_FAIL" ]


Set effects to be executed when conditions are met and when conditions are not met.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“if” mandatory dialogue condition condition itself
“then” mandatory effect Effect(s) executed when conditions are met.
“else” optional effect Effect(s) executed when conditions are not met.
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Displays a different message the first time it is run and the second time onwards

  "if": { "compare_string": [ "yes", { "u_val": "eoc_sample_if_else_test" } ] },
  "then": { "u_message": "You have variable." },
  "else": [
    { "u_message": "You don't have variable." },
      "if": { "not": { "compare_string": [ "yes", { "u_val": "eoc_sample_if_else_test" } ] } },
      "then": [
        { "u_add_var": "eoc_sample_if_else_test", "value": "yes" },
        { "u_message": "Vriable added." }


Check the value, and, depending on it, pick the case that would be run

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“switch” mandatory variable/math_expression the value, that would be read; only numerical values can be used
“cases” mandatory case and effect effects, that would be run, if the value of switch is higher or equal to this case
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Checks the level of some_spell spell, and, related to this, do something: for spell level 0 it casts another_spell, for spell level 3 it adds effect “drunk”, and so on.

  "switch": { "math": [ "u_spell_level('some_spell')" ] },
  "cases": [
    { "case": 0, "effect": { "u_cast_spell": { "id": "another_spell" } } },
    { "case": 3, "effect": { "u_add_effect": "drunk", "duration": "270 minutes" } },
    { "case": 6, "effect": { "u_lose_bionic": "bio_power_storage" } },
    { "case": 9, "effect": { "run_eocs": [ "EOC_DO_GOOD_THING" ] } },
      "case": 12,
      "effect": [
        { "u_forget_martial_art": "style_eskrima" },
        { "u_forget_martial_art": "style_crane" },
        { "u_forget_martial_art": "style_judo" }


Executes the effect repeatedly while storing the values ​​of a specific list one by one in the variable.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“foreach” mandatory string Type of list. "ids", "item_group", "monstergroup", "array" are available.
“var” mandatory variable objects Variable to store value in the list.
“effect” mandatory effect Effect(s) executed.
“target” mandatory See below Changes depending on the value of “foreach”. See below.

The correspondence between “foreach” and “target” is as follows.

“foreach” Value Info
“ids” string List the IDs of objects that appear in the game. "bodypart", "flag", "trait", "vitamin" are available.
“item_group” string List the IDs of items in the item group.
“monstergroup” string List the IDs of monsters in the monster group.
“array” array of strings or variable objects List simple strings.
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Resets all of your vitamins.

  "foreach": "ids",
  "var": { "context_val": "id" },
  "target": "vitamin",
  "effect": [ { "math": [ "u_vitamin(_id)", "=", "0" ] } ]


NPC run EoCs, provided by this effect; can work outside of reality bubble

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_run_npc_eocs”/ “npc_run_npc_eocs” mandatory array of eocs EoCs that would be run by NPCs
“unique_ids” optional string, variable objects or array id of NPCs that would be affected; lack of ids make effect run EoC on every NPC in your reality bubble, if "local": true, and to every NPC in the world, if "local": false; unique ID of every npc is specified in mapgen, using npcs or place_npcs
“local” optional boolean default false; if true, the effect is run for every NPC in the world; if false, effect is run only to NPC in your reality bubble
“npc_range” optional int or variable object if used, only NPC in this range are affected
“npc_must_see” optional boolean default false; if true, only NPC you can see are affected

example of specifying unique_id in mapgen using npcs:

"npcs": { "T": { "class": "guard", "unique_id": "GUARD7" } },

and using place_npcs:

"place_npcs": [ { "class": "arsonist", "x": 9, "y": 1, "unique_id": "GUARD7" } ],
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

All NPC in range 30, that you can see, run EOC_DEATH and EOC_TAXES

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_run_npc_eocs": [ "EOC_DEATH", "EOC_TAXES" ],
      "npc_range": 30,
      "npc_must_see": true

Move refugee center guards GUARD1 - GUARD7 to the _First position - EoC for effect is inlined

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_run_npc_eocs": [
          "effect": {
            "u_set_guard_pos": { "global_val": "_First" },
            "unique_id": true
      "unique_ids": [ "GUARD1", "GUARD2", "GUARD3", "GUARD4", "GUARD5", "GUARD6", "GUARD7" ]


Monsters run EoCs, provided by this effect; only works inside reality bubble

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_run_monster_eocs”/ “npc_run_monster_eocs” mandatory array of eocs EoCs that would be run by monsters
“mtype_ids” optional array or variable objects mtype_id(s) that should be affected
“monster_range” optional int or variable object if used, only monsters in this range are affected
“monster_must_see” optional boolean default false; if true, only monsters you can see are affected
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Run EOC_KILL_SHADOW on half the monsters in a 36 range around u_mansion_centre

  { "run_eoc_with": "EOC_BANISH_MANSION_MONSTERS", "beta_loc": { "u_val": "mansion_centre" } },

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "//": "Banish half the mapgen monsters from the mansion to make room for special scenario ferals",
    "eoc_type": "ACTIVATION",
    "effect": [
        "npc_run_monster_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_BANISH_MONSTERS_AROUND_MANSION_CENTER", "condition": { "math": [ "rand(1)", "==", "0" ] }, "effect": { "run_eocs": "EOC_KILL_SHADOW" } } ],
        "monster_range": 36

Run EOC_KILL_SHADOW on any mon_zombie_dog, mon_dog_zombie_cop or mon_dog_zombie_rot in a 12 range around the alpha talker

    "u_run_monster_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_BANISH_ZOMBIE_DOGS_AROUND_PLAYER", "effect": { "run_eocs": "EOC_KILL_SHADOW" } } ],
    "mtype_ids": [ "mon_zombie_dog", "mon_dog_zombie_cop", "mon_dog_zombie_rot" ]
    "monster_range": 12


Run EOCs on items in your or NPC’s inventory

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_run_inv_eocs” / “npc_run_inv_eocs” mandatory string or variable object way the item would be picked;
values can be:
all - all items that match the conditions are picked;
random - from all items that match the conditions, one picked;
manual - menu is open with all items that can be picked, and you can choose one;
manual_mult - same as manual, but multiple items can be picked
“search_data” optional search_data sets the condition(s) for the target item; lack of search_data means any item can be picked; see search_data for syntax
“title” optional string or variable object name of the menu, that would be shown, if manual or manual_mult is used
“true_eocs” / “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if item was picked successfully, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run; picked item is returned as npc; for example, n_hp() return hp of an item
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Picks an item in character’s hands, and run EOC_DESTROY_ITEM EoC on it

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_run_inv_eocs": "random",
      "search_data": [ { "wielded_only": true } ],
      "true_eocs": [ "EOC_DESTROY_ITEM" ]

Pick a wooden item with DURABLE_MELEE and ALWAYS_TWOHAND flags, and run EOC_DO_SOMETHING_WITH_ITEM on it; if there is no such item, EOC_NO_SUCH_ITEM is run

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_run_inv_eocs": "manual",
      "search_data": [ { "material": "wood", "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE", "ALWAYS_TWOHAND" ] } ],
      "true_eocs": [ "EOC_DO_SOMETHING_WITH_ITEM" ],
      "false_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_NO_SUCH_ITEM", "effect": [ { "u_message": "You don't have an item i need" } ] } ]

Pick all items with RECHARGE or ELECTRONIC flags, and run EOC_PRINT_ITEM_CHARGE on them.

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "eoc_print_inv_power",
  "effect": [
      "u_run_inv_eocs": "all",
      "search_data": [ { "flags": [ "RECHARGE" ] }, { "flags": [ "ELECTRONIC" ] } ],
      "true_eocs": [ "EOC_PRINT_ITEM_CHARGE" ]


Picks all tiles around you, npc or target_var, stores it’s coordinates in store_coordinates_in, and then checks EoC conditions for each tile picked Used if you need to check if specific furniture or terrain is around

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_map_run_eocs”, “npc_map_run_eocs” mandatory string, variable object or array EoC or EoCs that would be run
“store_coordinates_in” optional variable object variable, where tested coordinate is stored
“condition” optional condition condition that would be checked if eoc need to be run or not. Can (and intended to) use variable from store_coordinates_in. Default true (run always)
“target_var” optional variable object location variable, around which the game should scan; if omitted, sticks to u_ or npc_ position
“range” optional int or variable object how big the search radius should be; default 1 ( 3x3 square with character in the middle )
stop_at_first optional bool If true, stops execution after the first condition is met; if false, runs EoC on all tiles that met condition. Default false

Picks range of 6 tiles around the player, and check is there any terrain with TREE flag

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "SOME_TEST_EOC",
  "effect": [
      "u_map_run_eocs": [ "SOME_ANOTHER_TEST_EOC" ],
      "range": 6,
      "store_coordinates_in": { "context_val": "loc" },
      "condition": { "map_terrain_with_flag": "TREE", "loc": { "context_val": "loc" } }
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [ { "u_message": "tripoint <context_val:loc> contains TREE" } ]

Picks all TREEs in 50 tiles range, and burn it

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "QWERTY",
    "effect": [
        "u_map_run_eocs": [ "QWERTYYUIOP" ],
        "range": 50,
        "store_coordinates_in": { "context_val": "loc" },
        "stop_at_first": false,
        "condition": { "map_terrain_with_flag": "TREE", "loc": { "context_val": "loc" } }
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "QWERTYYUIOP",
    "effect": [
      { "u_set_field": "fd_fire", "radius": 0, "intensity": 10, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" } }


Search items around you on the map, and run EoC on them

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_map_run_item_eocs”, “npc_map_run_item_eocs” mandatory string or variable object way the item would be picked;
values can be:
all - all items that match the conditions are picked;
random - from all items that match the conditions, one picked;
manual - menu is open with all items that can be picked, and you can choose one;
manual_mult - same as manual, but multiple items can be picked
“loc” optional location variable location, where items would be scanned; lack of it would scan only tile the talker stands on
“min_radius”, “max_radius” optional int or variable object radius around the location/talker that would be searched
“title” optional string or variable object name of the menu that would be shown, if manual or manual_mult values are used
“search_data” optional search_data sets the condition(s) for the target item; lack of search_data means any item can be picked; see search_data for syntax
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if item was picked successfully, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run; picked item is returned as npc
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Run EOC_GOOD on all items 5-10 tiles around you (but not tiles 1-4 tiles around you)

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
        "u_map_run_item_eocs": "all",
        "min_radius": 5,
        "max_radius": 10,
        "title": "Something good?",
        "true_eocs": [ "EOC_GOOD" ]

Create context variable loc where player stands Scan all items 1-10 tiles around the loc (actually loc can be omitted here, since it’s the same location as player); open the Test: Item collection menu, where player can pick items from said radius; after confirmation, all picked items are run in EOC_map_item_test_run EOC_map_item_test_run teleport all items to loc, and print Items rolled at your feet

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_map_item_test1",
  "effect": [
    { "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "loc" } },
      "u_map_run_item_eocs": "manual_mult",
      "loc": { "context_val": "loc" },
      "min_radius": 1,
      "max_radius": 10,
      "title": "Test: Item collection",
      "true_eocs": [
          "id": "EOC_map_item_test_run",
          "effect": [ { "npc_teleport": { "context_val": "loc" } }, { "u_message": "Items rolled at your feet." } ]

Search crashing_ship_4 overmap terrain 10 overmap tiles around the player, on z-level -10 (where the ship is places), then in this overmap search t_escape_pod_floor terrain, and if found, put it’s coordinates to escape_pod_crate context value Search all items on escape_pod_crate tile, and run EOC_AFS_ESCAPE_POD_CARGO_TP (it will teleport items to new_map location) Print a message with popup Teleport player to new_map

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "escape_pod_crate" },
      "target_params": { "om_terrain": "crashing_ship_4", "search_range": 10, "z": -10 },
      "terrain": "t_escape_pod_floor",
      "target_max_radius": 24
      "u_map_run_item_eocs": "all",
      "loc": { "context_val": "escape_pod_crate" },
      "min_radius": 0,
      "max_radius": 0,
      "true_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_AFS_ESCAPE_POD_CARGO_TP", "effect": [ { "npc_teleport": { "global_val": "new_map" } } ] } ]
      "u_message": "You make sure that all equipment is strapped down and loose items are put away to avoid projectiles during launch before you strap yourself into the escape pod seat and press the launch button.  With an incredibly loud roar and a massive acceleration that presses you into the seat, the escape pod fires from the ship, plummeting towards the planet below.",
      "popup": true
    { "u_teleport": { "global_val": "new_map" }, "force": true }


Reveal the overmap area around specific location variable

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“reveal_map” mandatory variable object location variable, around which the map would be revealed
“radius” mandatory int or variable object default 0; the size of revealed zone

Reveal the zone three tiles around the character

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
      { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,0,0)" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" } },
      { "reveal_map": { "context_val": "loc" }, "radius": 3 }

Same, but using different syntax

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
      { "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "loc" } },
      { "reveal_map": { "context_val": "loc" }, "radius": 3 }

Find overmap tile using target_params, store coordinates in loc, and reveal the area 20 tiles around loc

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "loc" },
      "target_params": { "om_terrain": "house_02", "search_range": 100, "z": 0 }
    { "reveal_map": { "context_val": "loc" }, "radius": 20 }


Reveal the route between two location variables, using closest roads

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“reveal_route” mandatory variable object location variable, starting point in the route
“target_var” mandatory variable object location variable, ending point in the route
“radius”   int or variable object the size of revealed path
“road_only” optional boolean default false; if true, reveal only road tiles

Reveal the path between you and 50 overmap tiles west of you

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
      { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,0,0)" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc_a" } },
      { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(-1200,0,0)" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc_b" } },
      { "reveal_route": { "context_val": "loc_a" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc_b" }, "radius": 3 }

Reveal the route between you and house_02

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_HOUSE_route",
  "effect": [
      "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "loc" },
      "target_params": { "om_terrain": "house_02", "search_range": 100, "z": 0 }
        "reveal_route": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,0,0)" },
        "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" },
        "radius": 3,
        "road_only": true


Store coordinates of the closest city nearby in a variable

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“closest_city” mandatory variable object location variable, center of the found city
“known” optional boolean default true; if true, picks the closest city you know (has yellow text of the city name on your map), otherwise picks the closest city even if you didn’t visit it yet

Additionally sends context variables city_name (string) and city_size (int)


Stores coordinates of closest known city, and print variables

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect": [
      { "closest_city": { "context_val": "city" } },
      { "u_message": "Known city: <context_val:city>" },
      { "u_message": "city_name: <context_val:city_name>" },
      { "u_message": "city_size: <context_val:city_size>" }

Same, but return any city nearby

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect": [
      { "closest_city": { "context_val": "city" }, "known": false },
      { "u_message": "Unknown city: <context_val:city>" },
      { "u_message": "city_name: <context_val:city_name>" },
      { "u_message": "city_size: <context_val:city_size>" }


Will choose one of a list of eocs to activate based on it’s weight

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“weighted_list_eocs” mandatory n/a EoC that would be run, and it’s weight; EoC can be either id or inline EoC, and weight can be int or variable object

Run one EoC from the list

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_WEIGHT",
  "effect": {
    "weighted_list_eocs": [
      [ "EOC_THING_1", 1 ],
      [ "EOC_THING_2", 1 ],
      [ "EOC_THING_3", 3 ],
      { "id": "EOC_THING_4", "effect": [ { "u_message": "A test message appears!", "type": "bad" } ] },
      [ "EOC_THING_5", { "math": [ "super_important_variable + 4" ] } ],
      [ "EOC_THING_6", { "math": [ "_super_important_context_variable + 4" ] } ],
      [ "EOC_THING_7", { "math": [ "33 + 77" ] } ]


Open a menu, that allow to select one of multiple options

| Syntax | Optionality | Value | Info | | — | — | — | — | | “run_eoc_selector” | mandatory | array of strings or variable objects or inline EOCs| list of EoCs, that could be picked; conditions of the listed EoCs would be checked, and one that do not pass would be grayed out | | “names” | optional | array of strings or variable objects | name of the option, that would be shown on the list; amount of names should be equal amount of EoCs | | “descriptions” | optional | array of strings or variable objects | description of the options, that would be shown on the list; amount of descriptions should be equal amount of EoCs | | “keys” | optional | single character | a character, that would be used as a shortcut to pick each EoC; amount of keys should be equal amount of EoCs | | “title” | optional | string | Text, that would be shown as the name of the list; Default Select an option. | | “hide_failing” | optional | boolean | if true, the options, that fail their check, would be completely removed from the list, instead of being grayed out | | “allow_cancel” | optional | boolean | if true, you can quit the menu without selecting an option, no effect will occur | | “variables” | optional | pair of "variable_name": "variable" | variables, that would be passed to the EoCs; numeric values should be specified as strings; when a variable is an object and has the i18n member set to true, the variable will be localized; expects_vars condition can be used to ensure every variable exist before the EoC is run |

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

you can pick one of four options from Choose your destiny list;

  "run_eoc_selector": [ "EOC_OPTION_1", "EOC_OPTION_2", "EOC_OPTION_3", "EOC_OPTION_4" ],
  "names": [ "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4" ],
  "keys": [ "a", "b", "1", "2" ],
  "title": "Choose your destiny",
  "descriptions": [
    "Gives you something good",
    "Gives you something bad",
    "Gives you twice as good",
    "Gives you twice as bad, but condition is not met, so you can't pick it up"


Run EoC multiple times, until specific condition would be met

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“run_eoc_until” mandatory string or variable object EoC that would be run multiple times
“condition” optional dialogue condition default a condition that always return true; condition should return “false” to terminate the loop
“iteration” optional int or variable object default 100; max amount of iteration, that is allowed to run; if the condition always returns true, the EOC will run for this number of iterations.
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

EOC_until_nested is run until my_variable hit 10; in this case 10 times

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_run_until",
    "effect": [
      { "run_eoc_until": "EOC_until_nested", "condition": { "math": [ "my_variable", "<", "10" ] } }
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_until_nested",
    "effect": [ { "u_spawn_item": "knife_combat" }, { "math": [ "my_variable", "++" ] } ]

A loop of 10 iterations.

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_run_until",
    "effect": { "run_eoc_until": "EOC_until_nested", "iteration": 10 }
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_until_nested",
    "effect": { "u_message": "!!!" }

Character effects


Deal damage, the same way melee attack deals damage; it can’t be dodged, but it can be mitigated by armor

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_deal_damage” / “npc_deal_damage” mandatory string or variable object Damage type that would be dealt
“amount” optional int or variable object Amount of damage that would be dealt; Default 0
“bodypart” optional string or variable object Bodypart that take the damage. Reminder that only characters can have limbs. Default is RANDOM
“arpen” optional int or variable object Armor penetration of attack; Default 0
“arpen_mult” optional int or variable object Multiplier for armor penetration; Default 1
“dmg_mult” optional int or variable object Multiplier for damage amount. Default 1
“min_hit” optional int or variable object If bodypart is RANDOM, limit body part only to bodyparts that has hit_size bigger than this; default -1
“max_hit” optional int or variable object If bodypart is RANDOM, limit body part only to bodyparts that has hit_size smaller than this; default the size of your biggest body part
“can_attack_high” optional bool If true, can attack limbs with flag LIMB_UPPER, if false, such limbs are discarded; Default true
“hit_roll” optional int or variable object hit_roll
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Deal 20 biological damage to your torso

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "TEST",
    "effect": [ { "u_deal_damage": "biological", "amount": 20, "bodypart": "torso" } ]


Your character or the NPC will attempt to mutate; used in mutation system, for other purposes it’s better to use u_add_trait

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_mutate” / “npc_mutate” mandatory int, float or variable object one in int chance of causing a random mutation, with 0 only using the highest category
“use_vitamins” optional boolean default true; if true, mutation require vitamins to work
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️
{ "u_mutate": 0 }
{ "npc_mutate": { "math": [ "1+1" ] }, "use_vitamins": false }


Similar to u_mutate but takes category as a parameter and guarantees mutation.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_mutate_category” / “npc_mutate_category” mandatory string or variable object mutation category
“use_vitamins” optional boolean same as in u_mutate
{ "u_mutate_category": "PLANT" }
{ "u_mutate_category": { "global_val": "next_mutation" }

u_mutate_towards, npc_mutate_towards

Similar to the above, but designates a desired end-point of mutation and uses the normal mutate_towards steps to get there, respecting base traits and changes_to/cancels/types restrictions.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_mutate_towards” / “npc_mutate_towards” mandatory string or variable object Trait ID
“category” optional string or variable object default ANY, defines which category to use for the mutation steps - necessary for vitamin usage
“use_vitamins” optional boolean same as in u_mutate, requires a defined category

Mutate towards Tail Stub (removing any incompatibilities) using the category set in the variable, deprecating that vitamin and using the category’s base trait removal chance/multiplier.

        "u_mutate_towards": "TAIL_STUB",
        "category": { "u_val": "upcoming_mutation_category", },
        "use_vitamins": true

u_set_trait_purifiability, npc_set_trait_purifiability

If you have the given trait it will be added to /removed from your list of non-purifiable traits, overriding purifiable: true in the given trait’s definition.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u/npc_set_trait_purifiablility” mandatory string or variable object id of the trait to change
“purifiable” mandatory bool true adds the trait to the unpurifiable trait list, false removes it
  "u_set_trait_purifiability": "BEAK",   // Trait ID to change
  "purifiable": false   // Turns the trait unpurifiable for the talker


Some effect would be applied on you or NPC

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_effect” / “npc_add_effect” mandatory string or variable object id of effect to give
“duration” optional int, duration or variable object 0 by default; length of the effect; both int ("duration": 60), and duration string ("duration": "1 m") works; PERMANENT can be used to give a permanent effect
“target_part” optional string or variable object default is “whole body”; if used, only specified body part would be used. RANDOM can be used to pick a random body part
“intensity” optional int, float or variable object default 0; intensity of the effect
“force_bool” optional boolean default false; if true, all immunities would be ignored
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Apply effect drunk for 4.5 hours:

{ "u_add_effect": "drunk", "duration": "270 minutes" }

Apply effect fungus of intensity 1, permanently, on random body part:

{ "u_add_effect": "fungus", "intensity": 1, "duration": "PERMANENT", "target_part": "RANDOM" }

Apply effect poison, of [your strength value] intensity, for [random number between 0 and 10, multiplied on player’s pain value] seconds, onto body part, stored in body_part_to_poison context value, ignoring player’s immunity:

  "u_add_effect": "poison",
  "intensity": { "math": [ "u_val(strength)" ] },
  "duration": { "math": [ "rand(10) * u_pain()" ] },
  "target_part": { "context_val": "body_part_to_poison" },
  "force_bool": true


You or NPC would have some bionic installed

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_bionic”/ “npc_add_bionic” mandatory string or variable object Your character or the NPC will gain the bionic; Only one bionic per effect
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Install 1 bio_power_storage onto your character:

{ "u_add_bionic": "bio_power_storage" }

Install 1 bionic, delivered from bionic_id context value, onto your character:

{ "u_add_bionic": { "context_val": "bionic_id" } }


You or NPC would have some bionic uninstalled from your body

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_lose_bionic” / “npc_lose_bionic” mandatory string or variable object Your character or the NPC will lose the bionic
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Uninstall 1 bio_power_storage from your character:

{ "u_lose_bionic": "bio_power_storage" }

Uninstall 1 bionic, delivered from bionic_id context value, onto your character:

{ "u_lose_bionic": { "context_val": "bionic_id" } }


Give character or NPC some mutation/trait

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_trait” / “npc_add_trait” mandatory string or variable object id of trait that should be given
“variant” optional string or variable object id of the trait’s variant
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Adds TELEPATH trait to the character:

{ "u_add_trait": "TELEPATH" }

Adds trait, stored in trait_id context value, to the character:

{ "u_add_trait": { "context_val": "trait_id" } }

Adds hair_mohawk trait with the purple variant to the character:

{ "u_add_trait": "hair_mohawk", "variant": "purple" }


Remove effect from character or NPC, if it has one

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_lose_effect” / “npc_lose_effect” mandatory string or variable object id of effect to be removed; if character or NPC has no such effect, nothing happens
“target_part” optional string or variable object default is “whole body”; if used, only specified body part would be used. RANDOM can be used to pick a random body part
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Removes infection effect from player:

{ "u_lose_effect": "infection" }

Removes bleed effect from player’s head:

{ "u_lose_effect": "bleed", "target_part": "head" }

Removes effect, stored in effect_id context value, from the player:

{ "u_lose_effect": { "context_val": "effect_id" } }


Character or NPC got trait or mutation removed, if it has one

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_lose_trait” / “npc_lose_trait” mandatory string or variable object id of mutation to be removed; if character or NPC has no such mutation, nothing happens
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

CHITIN mutation is removed from character:

{ "u_lose_trait": "CHITIN" }

mutation, stored in mutation_id context value, is removed from character:

{ "u_lose_trait": { "context_val": "mutation_id" } }


Your character or the NPC will activate the trait.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_activate_trait” / “npc_activate_trait” mandatory string or variable object id of trait/mutation to be activated
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

process_mutation mutation would be activated, which trigger all effect it can cause, including activated_eocs inside the mutation

{ "u_activate_trait": "process_mutation" }

Deactivate trait, which contained in this context value:

{ "u_deactivate_trait": { "context_val": "this" } }


Your character or the NPC will deactivate the trait.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_deactivate_trait” / “u_deactivate_trait” mandatory string or variable object id of trait/mutation to be deactivated
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Deactivate BIOLUM1_active trait:

{ "u_deactivate_trait": "BIOLUM1_active" }

Deactivate trait, which contained in that context value:

{ "u_deactivate_trait": { "context_val": "that" } }


Your character or the NPC will learn the martial art style.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_learn_martial_art” / “npc_learn_martial_art” mandatory string or variable object martial art, that would be learned
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

The character learn Eskrima

{ "u_learn_martial_art": "style_eskrima" }

Character learn martial art, stored in ma_id context value

{ "u_learn_martial_art": { "context_val": "ma_id" } }


Your character or the NPC will forget the martial art style.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_forget_martial_art” / “npc_forget_martial_art” mandatory string or variable object id of martial art to forget
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Character forget Eskrima

{ "u_forget_martial_art": "style_eskrima" }

Character forget martial art, stored in ma_id context value

{ "u_forget_martial_art": { "context_val": "ma_id" } }


Save a string as personal variable, that you can check later using compare_string (see Player or NPC conditions )

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_var” / “npc_add_var” mandatory string name of variable, where the value would be stored
“value” mandatory string value, that would be stored in variable; incompatible with “possible_values” and “time”
“possible_values” mandatory string array array of values, that could be picked to be stored in variable; incompatible with “value” and “time”
“time” mandatory boolean DEPRECATED. use time() math syntax instead. default false; if true, the current time would be saved in variable; incompatible with “value” and “possible_values”
“type”, “context” optional string DEPRECATED. JUST USE _add_var to give the name of the variable. additional text to describe your variable, can be used in u_lose_var or in math syntax, as type_context_variable_name
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Note: numeric vars can be set (and check) to monsters via math functions. See the example below.


Saves personal variable u_met_godco_jeremiah with general type, meeting context, and value `yes

{ "u_add_var": "general_meeting_u_met_godco_jeremiah", "value": "yes" }

NPC (in this case it’s actually item, see Beta Talkers) saves a personal variable function with one of four values: morale, focus, pain, or sleepiness (used in mi-go bio tech to create four different versions of the same item, with different effects, that would be revealed upon activation)

  "npc_add_var": "mbt_f_function",
  "possible_values": [ "morale", "focus", "pain", "sleepiness" ]

Old variables, that was created in this way, could be migrated into math, using u_/npc_+type+_+context+_+var, for the sake of save compatibility between stable releases For example:

{ "u_add_var": "number_artisans_gunsmith_ammo_ammount", "value": "800" }

could be moved to:

[ "u_number_artisans_gunsmith_ammo_amount", "=", "800" ]

Setting and checking monster vars via math. The first spell targets a monster and forces it to run the effect on condition to apply a custom var, which the second spell checks to deal additional effects:

    "id": "spell_tag",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Spell tag" },
    "description": "Tags the target with u_var_tagged",
    "valid_targets": [ "ally", "hostile" ],
    "effect": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect_str": "spell_tag_eoc",
    "shape": "blast",
    "min_range": 10,
    "max_range": 10
    "id": "spell_tag_eoc",
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect": [ { "math": [ "u_var_tagged", "+=", "1" ] } ]
    "id": "spell_check",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Spell check" },
    "description": "Checks for u_var_tagged on the target, and forces it to cast one of two spells accordingly",
    "valid_targets": [ "ally", "hostile" ],
    "effect": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect_str": "spell_check_eoc",
    "shape": "blast",
    "min_range": 10,
    "max_range": 10
    "id": "spell_check_eoc",
    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "condition": { "math": [ "u_var_tagged", ">", "0" ] },
    "effect": [ { "u_cast_spell": { "id": "spell_heal" } } ],
    "false_effect": [ { "u_cast_spell": { "id": "spell_hurt" } } ]


Your character or the NPC will clear any stored variable that has the same name, type and context

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_lose_var”, “npc_lose_var” mandatory string variable to be removed
“type”, “context” optional string additional text to describe your variable; not mandatory, but required to remove correct variable
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Character remove variable time_of_last_succession

{ "u_lose_var": "time_of_last_succession" }

Character remove variable bio_blade_electric_on

{ "u_lose_var": "bio_blade_electric_on" }


Store string from set_string_var in the variable object target_var

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“set_string_var” mandatory string, variable object, or array of both value, that would be put into target_var
“target_var” mandatory variable object variable, that accept the value; usually context_val
“parse_tags” optional boolean Allo if parse custom entries in string before storing
“i18n” optional boolean Whether the string values should be localized
“string_input” optional object Accepts user input. When using string_input, the user will input a string and assign it to target_var. If the input is canceled, the value in set_string_var will be assigned as the default value. See details in the table below.
String Input Details
Property Optionality Type Description
“title” optional string, variable object The title of the input popup window, can be localized (e.g., "title": { "i18n": true, "str": "Input a value:" }).
“description” optional string, variable object The description of the input popup window, can be localized.
“default_text” optional string, variable object The default text in the input popup window, can be localized.
“width” optional integer The character length of the input box. Default is 20.
“identifier” optional string Input boxes with the same identifier share input history. Default is "".
“only_digits” optional boolean Whether the input is purely numeric. Default is false.
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Replace value of variable foo with value bar

{ "set_string_var": "bar", "target_var": "foo" }

set trait_id context value as perk_holdout_pocket; further down, { "u_add_trait": { "context_val": "trait_id" } } is used to give this trait

{ "set_string_var": "perk_holdout_pocket", "target_var": { "context_val": "trait_id" } }

Replace text in place_name variable with one of 5 string, picked randomly; further down, a "place_override": "place_name" is used to override the location name with one of this five

  "set_string_var": [ "Somewhere", "Nowhere", "Everywhere", "Yesterday", "Tomorrow" ],
  "target_var": { "global_val": "place_name" }

Concatenate string of variable foo and bar

{ "set_string_var": "<global_val:foo><global_val:bar>", "target_var": { "global_val": "new" }, "parse_tags": true }

Get the user input

  "id": "EOC_string_input_test",
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "effect": [
      "set_string_var": "",
      "string_input": {
        "title": { "i18n": true, "str": "Input a value:" },
        "description": { "i18n": true, "str": "Just say something" },
        "width": 30
      "target_var": { "context_val": "str" }
    { "u_message": "You said: <context_val:str>" }


Create a context value with condition, that you can pass down the next topic or EoC, using get_condition. Used, if you need to have dozens of EoCs, and you don’t want to copy-paste it’s conditions every time (also it’s easier to maintain or edit one condition, comparing to two dozens)

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“set_condition” mandatory string or variable object id of condition
“condition” mandatory dialogue condition condition itself
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Save the condition season is not winter, and it is a daytime into random_enc_condition variable, then call the EoC second_test. Second EoC uses random_enc_condition to check and print message

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "test",
  "effect": [
    { "set_condition": "random_enc_condition", "condition": { "and": [ { "not": { "is_season": "winter" } }, "is_day" ] } },
    { "run_eocs": "second_test" }
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "second_test",
  "condition": { "get_condition": "random_enc_condition" },
  "effect": [ { "u_message": "Yay, our condition works!" } ]

u_location_variable, npc_location_variable

Search a specific coordinates of map around u_, npc_ or target_params and save them in variable

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_location_variable” / “npc_location_variable” mandatory variable object variable, where the location would be saved
“min_radius”, “max_radius” optional int, float or variable object default 0; radius around the player or NPC, where the location would be searched
“outdoor_only” optional boolean default false; if true, only outdoor values would be picked
“passable_only” optional boolean default false; if true, only passable values would be picked
“target_params” optional assign_mission_target if used, the search would be performed not from u_ or npc_ location, but from mission_target. it uses an assign_mission_target syntax
“x_adjust”, “y_adjust”, “z_adjust” optional int, float or variable object add this amount to x, y or z coordinate in the end; "x_adjust": 2 would save the coordinate with 2 tile shift to the right from targeted
“z_override” optional boolean default is false; if true, instead of adding up to z level, override it with absolute value; "z_adjust": 3 with "z_override": true turn the value of z to 3
“terrain” / “furniture” / “field” / “trap” / “monster” / “zone” / “npc” optional string or variable object if used, search the entity with corresponding id between target_min_radius and target_max_radius; if empty string is used (e.g. "monster": ""), return any entity from the same radius
“target_min_radius”, “target_max_radius” optional int, float or variable object default 0, min and max radius for search, if previous field was used
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if the location was found, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Saves the current location into i_am_here variable:

{ "u_location_variable": { "u_val": "i_am_here" } },

Search overmap terrain afs_crashed_escape_pod on z-level 0, range 500 overmap tiles, search t_metal_floor terrain in this overmap, and save its coordinates into new_map variable (target_params uses assign_mission_target syntax):

  "u_location_variable": { "global_val": "new_map" },
  "target_params": { "om_terrain": "afs_crashed_escape_pod", "search_range": 500, "z": 0 },
  "terrain": "t_metal_floor",
  "target_max_radius": 30,
  "min_radius": 0,
  "max_radius": 0

Search the map, that contain house in it’s id on a range 200-1200 overmap tiles, picks random from them, and save its coordinates into OM_missionspot variable:

  "u_location_variable": { "global_val": "OM_missionspot" },
  "target_params": {
    "om_terrain": "house",
    "om_terrain_match_type": "CONTAINS",
    "search_range": 1200,
    "min_distance": 200,
    "random": true

Check the map 26 tiles around to find fd_fire; if fire is presented, prints it’s coordinates, otherwise prints “no fire”.

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_FIRE_IS_NEARBY",
    "effect": [
      { "u_location_variable": { "context_val": "test" }, "field": "fd_fire", "target_max_radius": 26 },
        "if": { "map_field_id": "fd_fire", "loc": { "context_val": "test" } },
        "then": { "u_message": "Fire is in <context_val:test>" },
        "else": { "u_message": "No fire nearby" }
        "if": { "math": [ "has_var(_test)" ] },
        "then": { "u_message": "Fire is in <context_val:test>" },
        "else": { "u_message": "No fire nearby" }


Allow adjust location value, obtained by u_location_variable, and share the same syntax and rules

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“location_variable_adjust” mandatory variable object variable, where the location would be saved
“x_adjust”, “y_adjust”, “z_adjust” optional int, float or variable object add this amount to x, y or z coordinate in the end; "x_adjust": 2 would save the coordinate with 2 tile shift to the right from targeted
“z_override” optional boolean default is false; if true, instead of adding up to z level, override it with absolute value; "z_adjust": 3 with "z_override": true turn the value of z to 3
“overmap_tile” optional boolean default is false; if true, the adjustments will be made in overmap tiles rather than map tiles
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Move coordinates in location_var value one tile to the right

{ "location_variable_adjust": "location_var", "x_adjust":  1 }

Move portal_storm_center coordinates randomly at 1 overmap tile in any direction, except Z

  "location_variable_adjust": { "global_val": "portal_storm_center" },
  "overmap_tile": true,
  "x_adjust": [ -1, 1 ],
  "y_adjust": [ -1, 1 ]


Opens a menu allowing the player to choose a new hair style

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "test",
  "effect": "barber_hair"


Opens a menu allowing the player to choose a new beard style.

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "test",
  "effect": "barber_beard"
  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "test",
  "effect": [ "barber_hair", "barber_beard" ] 


Your character or the npc will learn and memorize the recipe

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_learn_recipe” / “npc_learn_recipe” mandatory string or variable object Recipe, that would be learned
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You learn a recipe of cattail_jelly

{ "u_learn_recipe": "cattail_jelly" }

You learn a recipe, that was passes by recipe_id context value

{ "u_learn_recipe": { "context_val": "recipe_id" } }


Your character or the npc will forget the recipe

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_forget_recipe” / “npc_forget_recipe” mandatory string or variable object recipe, that would be forgotten
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You forget the recipe inventor_research_base_1

{ "u_forget_recipe": "inventor_research_base_1" }

You forget a recipe, that was passes by recipe_id context value

{ "u_forget_recipe": { "context_val": "recipe_id" } }


Changes the initial talk_topic of the NPC in all future dialogues.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“npc_first_topic” mandatory string or variable object topic, that would be used
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Override the initial lighthouse girl topic TALK_lighthouse_girl_start with TALK_lighthouse_girl_safe

{ "npc_first_topic": "TALK_lighthouse_girl_safe" }


Your character or the NPC will be wet as if they were in the rain.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_wet” / ”npc_add_wet” mandatory int, float or variable object How much wetness would be added (in percent)
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Makes you 10% wet (whatever that means)

"effect": [ { "u_add_wet": 10 } ]


Emit a sound

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_make_sound” / ”npc_make_sound” mandatory string or variable object description of the sound
“volume” mandatory int, float or variable object how loud the sound is (1 unit = 1 tile around the character)
“type” mandatory string or variable object Type of the sound; Could be one of background, weather, music, movement, speech, electronic_speech, activity, destructive_activity, alarm, combat, alert, or order
“target_var” optional variable object if set, the center of the sound would be centered in this variable’s coordinates instead of you or NPC
“snippet” optional boolean default false; if true, _make_sound would use a snippet of provided id instead of a message
“same_snippet” optional boolean default false; if true, it will connect the talker and snippet, and will always provide the same snippet, if used by this talker; require snippets to have id’s set
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Generate a sound Hi there! 15 tiles around the NPC

{ "npc_make_sound": "Hi there!", "volume": 15, "type": "speech" },

Generate a a high-pitched squeal. 60 tiles around grass_transform

  "u_make_sound": "a high-pitched squeal.",
  "target_var": { "global_val": "grass_transform" },
  "volume": 60,
  "type": "alert"

Would pick a random swear from <swear> snippet, and always would be the same (if item call this EoC, it would always have the same swear)

{ "u_make_sound": "<swear>", "snippet": true, "same_snippet": true }


Increases or decreases your healthiness (respond for disease immunity and regeneration).

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_mod_healthy” / “npc_mod_healthy” mandatory int, float or variable object Amount of health to be added
“cap” optional int, float or variable object cap for healthiness, beyond which it can’t go further
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Your health is decreased by 1, but not smaller than -200

{ "u_mod_healthy": -1, "cap": -200 }


Your character or the NPC will gain a morale bonus

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_morale” / “npc_add_morale” mandatory string or variable object morale_type, that would be given by effect
“bonus” mandatory int, variable object or array of both default 1; mood bonus or penalty, that would be given by effect; can be stacked up to max_bonus cap, but each bonus is lower than previous (e.g. bonus of 100 gives mood bonus as 100, 141, 172, 198, 221 and so on)
“max_bonus” mandatory int, variable object or array of both default false; cap, beyond which mood won’t increase or decrease
“duration” optional int, duration or variable object default 1 hour; how long the morale effect would last
“decay_start” optional int, duration or variable object default 30 min; when the morale effect would start to decay
“capped” optional boolean default false; if true, bonus is not decreased when stacked (e.g. bonus of 100 gives mood bonus as 100, 200, 300 and so on)
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Gives morale_afs_drugs thought with +1 mood bonus

  "u_add_morale": "morale_afs_drugs",

gives +20 mood morale_feeling_good bonus, that can be stacked up to +50, for 4 hours without decay start in 2 hours

  "u_add_morale": "morale_feeling_good",
  "bonus": 20,
  "max_bonus": 50,
  "duration": "240 minutes",
  "decay_start": "120 minutes"


Your character or the NPC will lose picked morale_type

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_lose_morale” / “npc_lose_morale” mandatory string or variable object thought to remove
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

removes bad_mood morale from you

{ "u_lose_morale": "bad_mood" }

removes morale type, delivered by morale_id

{ "u_lose_morale": { "context_val": "morale_id" } }


Consumes all items you have in your inventory, treating count as weight Effect does not validate do player actually has enough items to consume, use _has_items_sum See examples for more info

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_unset_flag” / “npc_unset_flag” mandatory array of pairs, in pair is string or variable object runs the effect
“item” mandatory string or variable object id of item that should be removed
“amount” mandatory int or variable object amount of items or charges that should be removed
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Consume 10 blankets. Effect allows to be consumed any item, so in this case player may have 3 blanket, 2 blanket_fur, and 5 electric_blanket, and effect would consume all of it

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
        "u_consume_item_sum": [
          { "item": "blanket", "amount": 10 },
          { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 10 },
          { "item": "electric_blanket", "amount": 10 }

Effect is order dependent, meaning first entry in json would be consumed first, then second and so on. Having 5 blanket, 10 blanket_fur and 5 electric_blanket would result in 5 blanket and 5 blanket_fur being consumed

Variable amount is also supported. In this case amount would be also treated as the weight; In the next example, having 10 blanket, 10 blanket_fur and 10 electric_blanket would be treated as covering 100% of requirement, 10 blanket delivering 40%, 10 blanket_fur delivering another 40%, and 10 electric_blanket delivering the last 20%

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
        "u_consume_item_sum": [
          { "item": "blanket", "amount": 25 },
          { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 25 },
          { "item": "electric_blanket", "amount": 50 }

Because of how variable amount is calculated, it is recommended to put the values with the smallest amount on the top; It would prevent code overshooting, as:

 // example: we have 99 blankets and 1 blanket_fur
 // json below would result in 99 blankets and 1 blanket_fur consumed
{ "item": "blanket", "amount": 100 }, { "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 2 }

// this json, however, would result in 1 blanket_fur and 50 blanket consumed
{ "item": "blanket_fur", "amount": 2 }, { "item": "blanket", "amount": 100 }

Variables are also supported

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "EOC_TEST",
    "effect": [
        "u_consume_item_sum": [
          { "item": { "global_val": "foo" }, "amount": { "math": "20 + 2" } }


Your character gains trust with the speaking NPC’s faction, which affects which items become available for trading from shopkeepers of that faction. Can be used only in talk_topic, as the code relies on the NPC you talk with to obtain info about it’s faction

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_add_faction_trust” mandatory int, float or variable object amount of trust to give or remove
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

adds 5 points to faction trust

{ "u_add_faction_trust": 5 }

adds [ your strength stat ] amount of faction trust

{ "u_add_faction_trust": { "math": [ "u_val('strength')" ] } }


same as u_add_faction_trust, not used in favor of u_add_faction_trust with negative number


Display a text message in the log. u_message and npc_message display a message only if you or NPC is avatar. message always displays a message.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_message” / ”npc_message” / ”message” mandatory string or variable object message, that would be printed; If snippet is true, id of a snippet that would be printed
“type” optional string or variable object default neutral; how the message would be displayed in log (usually means the color); could be any of good (green), neutral (white), bad (red), mixed (purple), warning (yellow), info (blue), debug (appear only if debug mode is on), headshot (purple), critical (yellow), grazing (blue)
“sound” optional boolean default false; if true, shows message only if player is not deaf
“outdoor_only” optional boolean default false; if true, and sound is true, the message is harder to hear if you are underground
“snippet” optional boolean default false; if true, the effect instead display a random snippet from u_message
“same_snippet” optional boolean default false; if true, and snippet is true, it will connect the talker and snippet, and will always provide the same snippet, if used by this talker; require snippets to have id’s set
“popup” optional boolean default false; if true, the message would generate a popup with u_message
“popup_w_interrupt_query” optional boolean default false; if true, and popup is true, the popup will interrupt any activity to send a message
“interrupt_type” optional boolean default is “neutral”; distraction_type, that would be used to interrupt, one that used in distraction manager; full list exist inactivity_type.cpp
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Send a red-colored Bad json! Bad! message in the log

{ "u_message": "Bad json! Bad!", "type": "bad" }

Print a snippet from local_files_simple, and popup it. The snippet is always the same

 { "u_message": "local_files_simple", "snippet": true, "same_snippet": true, "popup": true }

Print a text with a context variable

  { "u_message": "Test event with trait_id FIRE! <context_val:trait_id>", "type": "good" } 


You or NPC cast a spell. The spell uses fake spell data (ignore energy_cost, energy_source, cast_time, components, difficulty and spell_class fields), and uses additional fields

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_cast_spell” / “npc_cast_spell” mandatory fake_spell information of what spell and how it should be casted; next field can be used:
“id” mandatory string or variable object part of _cast_spell; define the id of spell to cast
“hit_self” optional boolean part of _cast_spell; default false; if true, the spell could affect the caster (either as self damage from AoE spell, or as applying effect for buff spell)
“message” optional string or variable object part of _cast_spell; message to send when spell is casted
“npc_message” optional string or variable object part of _cast_spell; message if npc uses
“min_level”, “max_level” optional int, float or variable object part of _cast_spell; level of the spell that would be casted (min level define what the actual spell level would be casted, adding max_level make EoC pick a random level between min and max)
“targeted” optional boolean default false; if true, allow you to aim casted spell, otherwise cast it in the location set by “loc”
“loc” optional variable object Set target location of the spell. If not used, target to caster’s location
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if spell was casted successfully, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You cast spell_1 spell

{ "u_cast_spell": { "id": "spell_1" } }

You cast a spell_boom spell, that can be aimed, and create message BOOM! in the log

  "u_cast_spell": { "id": "spell_boom", "message": "BOOM!" },
  "targeted": true

You cast spell_healing spell of 1-6 level, that can hit you, with message

  "u_cast_spell": {
    "id": "spell_healing",
    "hit_self": true
    "min_level": 1,
    "max_level": 6,
    "message": "Your flesh is healed!"

You cast a this_spell_can_target_only_robots spell; if it success, EOC_ROBOT_IS_DEAD is triggered, otherwise EOC_NOT_A_ROBOT is triggered

  "u_cast_spell": { "id": "this_spell_can_target_only_robots" },
  "true_eocs": [ "EOC_ROBOT_IS_DEAD" ],
  "false_eocs": [ "EOC_NOT_A_ROBOT" ]


NPC or character will start an activity

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_assign_activity” / “npc_assign_activity” mandatory string or variable object, id of activity to start
“duration” mandatory int, duration or variable object how long the activity would last
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You assign activity ACT_GAME for 45 minutes

{ "u_assign_activity": "ACT_GAME", "duration": "45 minutes" }


You or NPC is teleported to target_var coordinates

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_teleport”, / “npc_teleport” mandatory variable object location to teleport; should use target_var, created previously
“success_message” optional string or variable object message, that would be printed, if teleportation was successful
“fail_message” optional string or variable object message, that would be printed, if teleportation was failed, like if coordinates contained creature or impassable obstacle (like wall)
“force” optional boolean default false; if true, teleportation can’t fail - any creature, that stand on target coordinates, would be brutally telefragged, and if impassable obstacle occur, the closest point would be picked instead
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You teleport to winch_teleport coordinates

{ "u_teleport": { "u_val": "winch_teleport" } }

You teleport to grass_place with message Yay!; as force boolean is true, you can’t fail it.

  "u_teleport": { "global_val": "grass_place" },
  "success_message": "Yay!",
  "fail_message": "Something is very wrong!",
  "force": true


You or an NPC will instantly die. If the target is an item, it will be deleted.

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

You and NPC both die

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "both_are_ded",
  "effect": [ "u_die", "npc_die" ]

Removes a corpse around you (corpses are handled as items)

    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "effect": [
        "if": { "message": "Select target", "u_query_tile": "around", "target_var": { "global_val": "delete_this_corpse" } },
        "then": [
            "u_map_run_item_eocs": "all",
            "search_data": [ { "id": "corpse" } ],
            "loc": { "global_val": "delete_this_corpse" },
            "min_radius": 0,
            "max_radius": 0,
            "true_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_CORPSE_REMOVAL_SUCCESS", "effect": [ "npc_die", { "u_message": "*poof*", "type": "good" } ] } ],
            "false_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_CORPSE_REMOVAL_FAIL", "effect": [ { "u_message": "There is no corpse there.", "type": "bad" } ] } ]
        "else": [ { "u_message": "Canceled" } ]


You or NPC will be prevented from death. Intended for use in EoCs has NPC_DEATH or EVENT(character_dies) type (Take care that u will be the dying npc in these events).

Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

NPC is prevented from death.


  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_event_NPC_DEATH_test",
  "eoc_type": "NPC_DEATH",
  "effect": [ "u_prevent_death" ]


  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_event_character_dies_test",
  "eoc_type": "EVENT",
  "required_event": "character_dies",
  "condition": { "u_has_trait": "DEBUG_PREVENT_DEATH" },
  "effect": [ "u_prevent_death" ]


Alpha or beta talker forced to use a technique or special attack

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_attack” / “npc_attack” mandatory string, boolean or variable object technique, that would be used; "tec_none" can be used, in this case a default autoattack would be used
“allow_special” optional boolean default true; if true, special attacks should be selected (special_attack that monsters can use, like monster_attack or spell)
“allow_unarmed” optional boolean default true; if true, unarmed techniques can be considered
“forced_movecost” optional int or variable object default -1; If used, attack will consume this amount of moves (100 moves = 1 second); negative value make it use the default movecost of attack
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

you use autoattack

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_attack_test",
  "effect": [ { "u_attack": "tec_none" } ]

mutator valid_technique return random technique, that alpha talker can use; this technique is set into random_attack global variable; then you attack using this technique

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_attack_mutator",
  "effect": [
    { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "valid_technique" }, "target_var": { "global_val": "random_attack" } },
    { "u_attack": { "global_val": "random_attack" } }

Picks random pankration technique, assign it to pankration_random_attack, and use it in attack

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_attack_random_tech",
  "effect": [
      "set_string_var": [
      "target_var": { "context_val": "pankration_random_attack" }
    { "u_attack": { "context_val": "pankration_random_attack" } }

Item effects


Give item a flag

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_set_flag” / “npc_set_flag” mandatory string or variable object id of flag that should be given
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Make item filthy

{ "npc_set_flag": "FILTHY" }


Remove a flag from item

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_unset_flag” / “npc_unset_flag” mandatory string or variable object id of flag that should be remove
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item

Make item clean

{ "npc_unset_flag": "FILTHY" }


You activate beta talker / NPC activates alpha talker. One must be a Character and the other an item.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_activate” / “npc_activate” mandatory string or variable object use action id of item that activate
“target_var” optional variable object if set, target location is forced this variable’s coordinates
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Force you consume drug item

{ "u_activate": "consume_drug" }

Map effects


Spawn and place the item

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“map_spawn_item” mandatory string or variable object id of item or item group that should spawn
“loc” optional variable object Location that the item spawns. If not used, spawns from player’s location
“count” optional int or variable object default 1; Number of item copies
“container” optional string or variable object id of container. Item is contained in container if specified
“use_item_group” optional bool default false; If true, it will instead create items from the item group given. (“count” and “containter” will be ignored since they are defined in the item group.)
“flags” optional array of string or variable object The item will have all the flags from the array flags

Spawn a plastic bottle on ground

  "type": "effect_on_condition",
  "id": "EOC_map_spawn_item",
  "effect": [
    { "set_string_var": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,1,0)" }, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" } },
    { "map_spawn_item": "bottle_plastic", "loc": { "mutator": "u_loc_relative", "target": "(0,1,0)" } }

Map Updates

Map updates are related to any change in the map, weather, or coordinates, and any talker can use them


Update the map with changes, described in mapgen_update

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“mapgen_update” mandatory string, variable objects or array With no other parameters, update the overmap tile at player’s current location with changes in update_mapgen_id id. If array is used, the map would be updated for each id
“time_in_future” optional int, duration, variable object) or value between two If used, the map change would be delayed for this amount of time. “infinity” could be used, to make location not update until key event happen
“key” optional string or variable object id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger map update. Key should be alter_timed_events
“target_var” optional variable objects if used, the target from variable would be used instead of player’s current location. It uses assign_mission_target syntax

Update the map with map_spawn_seller map

{ "mapgen_update": "map_spawn_seller" }

Update the map with map_spawn_terrain, then map_spawn_furniture, then map_spawn_trap, then map_spawn_field

{ "mapgen_update": [ "map_spawn_terrain", "map_spawn_furniture", "map_spawn_trap", "map_spawn_field" ] }

Update the small_pond with map_bridge when as_soon_as_this_event_trigger event occur

{ "mapgen_update": "map_bridge", "om_terrain": "small_pond", "key": "as_soon_as_this_event_trigger" }

Update the robofachq_subcc_a2 in ancilla_bar_loc coordinates, with nest_ancilla_bar_place_BEMs map

  "mapgen_update": "nest_ancilla_bar_place_BEMs",
  "om_terrain": "robofachq_subcc_a2",
  "target_var": { "global_val": "ancilla_bar_loc" }


Save picked location, and then restore it to this state Usually used as revert_location with "time_in_future": "infinity", to save mold of location, and some key. Then mapgen_update is used to alter location. In the end, alter_timed_events with key is called to actually revert location.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“revert_location” mandatory variable object id of variable, where the location would be stored
“time_in_future” mandatory int, duration, variable object) or value between two when the location should be reverted; “infinity” could be used, to make location not update until key event happen
“key” optional string or variable objects id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger location reverse. Key should be alter_timed_events

Store vitrified_farm_ground. When vitrified_farm_escape_key is called, the location is reverted

  "revert_location": { "global_val": "vitrified_farm_ground" },
  "time_in_future": "infinite",
  "key": "vitrified_farm_escape_key"


All effects, that has this event as a key, would be triggered, if they did not yet. Usually used with mapgen_update or revert_location with "time_in_future": "infinite"

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“alter_timed_events” mandatory string or variable object id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger map update. Key should be alter_timed_events
“time_in_future” optional int, duration, variable object) or value between two If used, all related effects would be triggered not instantly, but this amount of time after the trigger

Trigger every effect, that has portal_dungeon as a key

{ "alter_timed_events": "portal_dungeon" }

for example, if this effect would exist, and alter_timed_events occur, the location would be reverted

  "revert_location": { "global_val": "portal_dungeon" },
  "time_in_future": "infinite",
  "key": "portal_dungeon_entrance"


Allows supercharging monster in electrical fields, legacy command for lightning weather


Forces a check for what weather it should be. Doesn’t force the weather change itself, so if conditions is not met, or custom weather has lower priority, the weather won’t change


Sets the ambient light of the world for some amount of time, ignoring time or sun/moon light

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“custom_light_level” mandatory int, variable object or value between two level of light from 0 to 125, where 0 is complete darkness, where 125 is daylight
“length” mandatory int, duration, variable object or value between two how long the effect would last
“key” optional string or variable object id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger map update. Key should be alter_timed_events

Highlight the world for 1-10 seconds

{ "custom_light_level": 100, "length": [ "1 seconds", "10 seconds" ] }

Darken the world for 1 day or until who_turn_off_the_light would be triggered

{ "custom_light_level": 0, "length": "1 day", "key": "who_turn_off_the_light" }


transform the territory around you, npc or target using ter_furn_transform

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_transform_radius” / “npc_transform_radius” mandatory int or variable object range, where transformation occur
“ter_furn_transform” mandatory string or variable object ter_furn_transform, that would be used to transform territory around
“target_var” optional variable object if used, the target from variable would be used instead of player’s current location. It uses assign_mission_target syntax
“time_in_future” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two delay when the location should be transformed; “infinity” could be used, to make location not update until key event happen
“key” optional string or variable object) id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger map update. Key should be alter_timed_events

transform everything 5 tiles around player according to merc_spike_transform

{ "u_transform_radius": 5, "ter_furn_transform": "merc_spike_transform" }

transform the door_transform 2 tiles around player, according detonate_the_door, in 2-10 seconds, or if detonator event happens

  "u_transform_radius": 2,
  "ter_furn_transform": "detonate_the_door",
  "target_var": { "global_val": "door_transform" },
  "time_in_future": [ "2 seconds", "10 seconds" ],
  "key": "detonator"


Transform terrain, furniture, fields or traps on a line between two coordinates

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“transform_line” mandatory string or variable object ter_furn_transform, that would be used to transform terrain
“first”, “second” mandatory variable object coordinates, created by u_location_variable, between which the line would be drawn

change the terrain between point_0 and point_1 according to blood_trail ter_furn_transform

  "transform_line": "blood_trail",
  "first": { "global_val": "point_0" },
  "second": { "global_val": "point_1" }


Override the current player location for some amount of time or until event would be called

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“place_override” mandatory string or variable object new name of the location;
“length” mandatory int, duration, variable object or value between two how long changed name would last; “infinity” could be used, to make location not revert until key event happen
“key” optional string or variable object id of the event, that you can call outside of EoC to trigger map update. Key should be alter_timed_events

change the name of your current location to devilish place to 11 minutes 6 seconds (666 seconds)

  "place_override": "devilish place",
  "length": 666
  "place_override": "devilish place",
  "length": "666 s"

Set place_name to be one of five from a range randomly, then set it for cell_time time

  "set_string_var": [ "Somewhere", "Nowhere", "Everywhere", "Yesterday", "Tomorrow" ],
  "target_var": { "global_val": "place_name" }
  "place_override": { "global_val": "place_name" },
  "length": { "u_val": "cell_time" }


Spawn some monsters around you, NPC or target_var

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_spawn_monster”, “npc_spawn_monster” mandatory string or variable object monster or monstergroup that would be spawned, using “” picks randomly from nearby monsters
“real_count” optional int, variable object or value between two default 0; amount of monsters, that would be spawned
“hallucination_count” optional int, variable object or value between two default 0; amount of hallucination versions of the monster that would be spawned
“group” optional boolean default false; if true, _spawn_monster will spawn a monster from monstergroup
“single_target” optional boolean default false; if true, _spawn_monster the game pick only one monster from the provided monstergroup or from nearby monsters
“min_radius”, “max_radius” optional int, variable object or value between two default 1 and 10 respectively; range around the target, where the monster would spawn
“outdoor_only”/ “indoor_only” optional boolean default false; if used, monsters would be able to spawn only outside or only inside buildings
“open_air_allowed” optional boolean default false; if true, monsters can spawn in the open air
“target_range” optional int, variable object or value between two if _spawn_monster is empty, pick a random hostile critter from this amount of tiles from target
“lifespan” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two if used, critters would live that amount of time, and disappear in the end
“target_var” optional variable object if used, the monster would spawn from this location instead of you or NPC
“temporary_drop_items” optional boolean default false; if true, monsters summoned with a lifespan will still drop items and leave a corpse.
“spawn_message”, “spawn_message_plural” optional string or variable object if you see monster or monsters that was spawned, related message would be printed
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if at least 1 monster was spawned, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run

Spawn 2-5 zombies in range 3-24 around player with lifespan 40-120 seconds, with messages if player see spawn

  "u_spawn_monster": "mon_zombie",
  "real_count": [ 2, 5 ],
  "min_radius": [ 3, 5 ],
  "max_radius": [ 11, 24 ],
  "lifespan": [ "40 seconds", "2 minutes" ],
  "spawn_message": "Zombie!",
  "spawn_message_plural": "Zombies!"

Pick a random monster 50 tiles around the player, and spawn it’s hallucination copy near the player

  "u_spawn_monster": "",
  "hallucination_count": 1,
  "target_range": 50


Spawn some NPC near you or another NPC

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_spawn_npc”, “npc_spawn_npc” mandatory string or variable object class of NPC, that would be spawned
“unique_id” optional string or variable object
“traits” optional string, variable object or array additional traits/mutations that NPC would have upon spawn
“real_count” optional int, variable object or value between two default 0; amount of NPCs, that would be spawned
“hallucination_count” optional int, variable object or value between two default 0; amount of hallucination versions of NPC that would be spawned
“min_radius”, “max_radius” optional int, variable object or value between two default 1 and 10 respectively; range around the target, where the monster would spawn
“outdoor_only”/ “indoor_only” optional boolean default false; if used, NPC would be able to spawn only outside or only inside buildings
“open_air_allowed” optional boolean default false; if true, NPC can spawn in the open air
“lifespan” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two if used, NPC would live that amount of time, and disappear in the end
“target_var” optional variable object if used, the NPC would spawn from this location instead of you or NPC
“spawn_message”, “spawn_message_plural” optional string or variable object if you see NPC or NPCs that was spawned, related message would be printed
“true_eocs”, “false_eocs” optional string, variable object, inline EoC, or range of all of them if at least 1 monster was spawned, all EoCs from true_eocs are run, otherwise all EoCs from false_eocs are run

Spawn 2 hallucination portal_persons, outdoor, 3-5 tiles around the player, for 1-3 minutes and with messages

  "u_spawn_npc": "portal_person",
  "hallucination_count": 2,
  "outdoor_only": true,
  "min_radius": 3,
  "max_radius": 5,
  "lifespan": [ "1 minutes", "3 minutes" ],
  "spawn_message": "A person steps nearby from somewhere else.",
  "spawn_message_plural": "Several identical people walk nearby from nowhere."


spawn a field in a square around player. it is recommended to not use it in favor of u_transform_radius or u_emit if possible

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_set_field”, “npc_set_field” mandatory string or variable object id of field to spawn around the player
“intensity” optional int, variable object or value between two default 1; intensity of field to spawn
“radius” optional int, variable object or value between two default 10000000; radius of a field to spawn
“age” optional int, duration, variable object or value between two how long the field would last
“outdoor_only”/ “indoor_only” optional boolean default false; if used, field would be spawned only outside or only inside buildings
“hit_player” optional boolean default true; if field spawn where the player is, process like player stepped on this field
“target_var” optional variable object if used, the field would spawn from this location instead of you or NPC

Spawn blood 10 tiles around the player outdoor

{ "u_set_field": "fd_blood", "radius": 10, "outdoor_only": true, "intensity": 3 }


Emit a field using type: emit

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“u_emit”, “npc_emit” mandatory string or variable object id of emit that would be spawned
“chance_mult” optional int, variable object or value between two default 1; multiplies emit chance field on this number
“target_var” optional variable object if used, the emission would spawn from this location instead of you or NPC

Spawn emit_tear_gas_toad (spawns 3 fd_tear_gas) with double of it’s chance ( 15 * 2 = 30% chance ) around the player

{ "u_emit": "emit_tear_gas_toad", "chance_mult": 2 }

Does the same, but spawns it from coordinates, stored in context var loc

{ "u_emit": "emit_tear_gas_toad", "chance_mult": 2, "target_var": { "context_val": "loc" } }


Subtract this many turns from the alpha talker’s moves.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“turn_cost” mandatory number, duration, variable object or value between two how long the action takes (can be specified in number of turns (as decimal), or as a duration)
  "effect": [
    { "turn_cost": "1 sec" }
  "effect": [
    { "turn_cost": 0.6 }
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️


Convert the beta talker (which must be an item) into a different item, optionally activating it. Works similarly to the “transform” use_action.

Syntax Optionality Value Info
“transform_item” mandatory string or variable object item ID to transform to
“active” optional boolean if true, activate the item
  "condition": "has_ammo",
  "effect": [
    { "transform_item": "chainsaw_on", "active": true }
  "false_effect": {
    "u_message": "You yank the cord, but nothing happens."
Valid talkers:
Avatar Character NPC Monster Furniture Item
✔️ ✔️



search_data is an array, that allow to filter specific items from the list. At this moment it is used for u_run_inv_eocs (picks items from your inventory) and u_map_run_item_eocs (picks items from around the character)

Syntax Value Info
“id” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects if used, filter the list of items by item id
“id_blacklist” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects if used, excludes items from the list by their id
“category” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects filter the list of items by their category
“flags” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects filter the list of items by flags they have
“excluded_flags” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects excludes items from the list by flags they have
“material” string, variable object or array of strings or variable objects filter the list of items by their material
“uses_energy” boolean filter the list of items by whether or not they use energy. true would pick only items that use energy, false would pick all items that do not use energy
“worn_only” boolean return only items you you wear (clothes)
“wielded_only” boolean return only item you hold in your hands right now. if you hold nothing, and picking object is not manual, it return string none
“held_only” boolean return both items you wear and item you hold in your hands
“condition” condition object allows to use same conditions as EoC. Alpha talker in this case is whoever runs the effect, and beta is the item


    "type": "effect_on_condition",
    "id": "INV_EOCS_SHOWCASE",
    "effect": [
      { "set_string_var": "knife_large", "target_var": { "context_val": "val" } },
        "u_run_inv_eocs": "manual_mult",
        "search_data": [
          { "id": "knife_large" },
          { "id": { "context_val": "val" } },
          { "id": [ "1l_aluminum", { "context_val": "val" } ] },
          { "category": "weapons" },
          { "category": { "context_val": "val" } },
          { "category": [ "tools", { "context_val": "val" } ] },
          { "material": "steel" },
          { "material": { "context_val": "val" } },
          { "material": [ "aluminum", { "context_val": "val" } ] },
          { "flags": "SHEATH_KNIFE" },
          { "flags": { "context_val": "val" } },
          { "flags": [ "WATCH", { "context_val": "val" } ] },
          { "excluded_flags": "SHEATH_KNIFE" },
          { "excluded_flags": { "context_val": "val" } },
          { "excluded_flags": [ "WATCH", { "context_val": "val" } ] },
          { "worn_only": true },
          { "wielded_only": true },
          { "held_only": true },
          { "uses_energy": true },
          { "condition": { "math": [ "rand(1)" ] } }, // since 0 for conditions is evaluated as "false", this would randomly discard ~half of items from picked
          { "condition": { "math": [ "n_calories() >= 200" ] } }, // can check beta talker for it's specific properties via math
          { "condition": { "and": [ { "math": [ "n_calories() >= 200" ] }, { "math": [ "n_calories() <= 500" ] } ] } }, // and even as range!
          { "condition": { "math": [ "n_melee_damage('ALL') > 20" ] } }, // and more!
          { "condition": { "compare_string": [ "yes", { "u_val": "general_examples_VIP" } ] } }
        "true_eocs": [ { "id": "EOC_WHATEVER", "effect": { "u_message": "alpha: <u_name>, beta: <npc_name>" } } ]

Combination of values work as and, no matter how they are arranged. This two notation work exactly the same, and will return item you wield if it has weapon type:

"search_data": [ { "category": "weapons" }, { "wielded_only": true } ]
"search_data": [ { "category": "weapons", "wielded_only": true } ]