Terrain/Furniture Examination Actions

These are actions that will be performed when a terrain/furniture is examined. The hardcoded examine actions specified as a "examine_action": "ACTION", where ACTION is replaced with one of the strings from the list below. The examine actors are specified as JSON objects with a type corresponding to a certain type of action, and other members filling in the data for how the action functions.

Hardcoded Examine Actions

  • aggie_plant Harvest plants.
  • autodoc Brings the Autodoc consoles menu. Needs the AUTODOC flag to function properly and an adjacent furniture with the AUTODOC_COUCH flag.
  • autoclave_empty Start the autoclave cycle if it contains filthy CBM, and the player has enough water.
  • autoclave_full Check on the progress of the cycle, and collect sterile CBM once cycle is completed.
  • bars Take advantage of AMORPHOUS and slip through the bars.
  • bulletin_board Use this to arrange tasks for your faction camp.
  • chainfence Hop over the chain fence.
  • controls_gate Controls the attached gate.
  • dirtmound Plant seeds and plants.
  • elevator Use the elevator to change floors.
  • finite_water_source Drink or get water from a water source. Unlike ordinary water_source, terrain with this examine action will get liquid from a finite source (liquid is placed on that tile as an item during the mapgen) and will stop functioning if said liquid if exhausted on that tile.
  • flower_poppy Pick the mutated poppy.
  • fswitch Flip the switch and the rocks will shift.
  • fungus Release spores as the terrain crumbles away.
  • gaspump Use the gas-pump.
  • harvest_plant_ex Harvest a harvestable plant. Works on field crops and planters. (corn, wheat, etc.)
  • locked_object Locked, but can be pried open. Adding ‘PICKABLE’ flag allows opening with a lockpick as well. Prying/lockpicking results are hardcoded.
  • locked_object_pickable Locked, but can be opened with a lockpick. Requires ‘PICKABLE’ flag, lockpicking results are hardcoded.
  • none None
  • pedestal_temple Opens the temple if you have a petrified eye.
  • pedestal_wyrm Spawn wyrms.
  • pit_covered Uncover the pit.
  • pit Cover the pit if you have some planks of wood.
  • portable_structure Take down a tent or similar portable structure.
  • recycle_compactor Compress pure metal objects into basic shapes.
  • rubble Clear up the rubble if you have a shovel.
  • safe Attempt to crack the safe.
  • shelter Take down the shelter.
  • shrub_marloss Pick a Marloss bush.
  • shrub_wildveggies Pick a wild veggies shrub.
  • slot_machine Gamble.
  • toilet Either drink or get water out of the toilet.
  • water_source Drink or get water from a water source.

Examine Actors



Optional, defaults to no change. String. Furniture id that this tile will be set to after placing the appliance.


Optional, defaults to no change. String. Terrain id that this tile will be set to after placing the appliance.


Mandatory. String. Item id of the base item of this appliance.


    "type": "appliance_convert",
    "furn_set": "f_null",
    "ter_set": "t_floor",
    "item": "fridge"



Mandatory. Array of strings. List of item flags that, when on an item, mean that the item can be used as card.


Optional, defaults to true. Boolean (true/false). Whether or not to consume the item used to activate this cardreader.


Optional, defaults to true. Boolean (true/false). Whether or not to allow hacking this door with an electrohack. If this allows hacking, it will ignore the data specified here, and transform all t_door_metal_locked to t_door_metal_c in a 3 tile radius.


Optional, defaults to true. Boolean (true/false). Whether or not to remove hostile monsters with the ID_CARD_DESPAWN flag.


Optional, defaults to infinity. Integer (0 or greater). For cards with the PRESERVE_SPAWN_OMT flag, how many overmap tiles away a card can spawn and be accepted for this cardreader. For cards without the flag, this field is ignored.


Optional. String. Update mapgen ID to apply on opening the door. Conflicts with radius, terrain_changes, and furn_changes.


Optional, defaults to 3. Integer. What area around the cardreader to apply changes to. With a radius of three, it will go 3 tiles out from the reader in every direction.


Optional, defaults to nothing. JSON Object. Each key in this JSON Object corresponds to a terrain, and the value is a terrain that that terrain will be transformed into. Multiple items can be specified by adding more keys, e.g. { "a": "b", "x": "y" }


Optional, defaults to nothing. JSON Object. Each key in this JSON Object corresponds to a furniture, and the value is a furniture that that furniture will be transformed into. Multiple items can be specified by adding more keys, e.g. { "a": "b", "x": "y" }


Optional, defaults to true. Boolean (true/false). Whether or not to query the player before activating and potentially consuming a card.


Optional, defaults to nothing. String. What message to display when querying the player on whether or not to activate the cardreader.


Mandatory. String. What message to print to the log when this is successfully activated.


Mandatory. String. What message to print when attempting to activate the cardreader after it has already been activated.


    "type": "cardreader",
    "flags": [ "SCIENCE_CARD" ],
    "consume_card": true,
    "allow_hacking": true,
    "despawn_monsters": true,
    "omt_allowed_radius": 3,
    "radius": 3,
    "terrain_changes": { "t_door_metal_locked": "t_door_metal_c" },
    "furn_changes": { "f_crate_c": "f_crate_o" },
    "query": true,
    "query_msg": "Are you sure you want to open this door?",
    "success_msg": "You opened the door!",
    "redundant_msg": "The door is already open."



Mandatory. Array of strings and or effect_on_condition objects. Run all of the eocs upon being examined with u as the examiner and npc as null. See EFFECT_ON_CONDITION.md