Configuring Fonts

Fonts can be configured through changing the config/fonts.json file. This file is created with default options on game load, so if it doesn’t exist try loading the game.

The default options (available in data/fontdata.json) might look like the following:

  "typeface": [
    { "path": "data/font/Terminus.ttf", "hinting": "Bitmap" },
  "gui_typeface": [
    { "path": "data/font/Roboto-Medium.ttf", "hinting": "Light" },
    { "path": "data/font/Terminus.ttf", "hinting": "Bitmap" },
  "map_typeface": [
    { "path": "data/font/Terminus.ttf", "hinting": "Bitmap" },
  "overmap_typeface": [
    { "path": "data/font/Terminus.ttf", "hinting": "Bitmap" },

There are four different font categories: typeface, gui_typeface, map_typeface, and overmap_typeface, which are used for the old-style game interface, ImGui menus, the game display and the overmap, respectively. If more than one font is specified for a typeface the list is treated as a fallback order. Unifont will always be used as a ‘last resort’ fallback even if not listed here.

Fonts can be provided as a list, as seen above, or as single entries, e.g.:

"typeface": { "path": "data/font/Terminus.ttf", "hinting": "Bitmap" },
"map_typeface": "unifont.ttf"

Each entry may be a string or an object. If a string is provided it is interpreted as the path to the typeface file. If an object is provided, then it must have a path attribute, which provides the path to the font. It may also have a ‘hinting’ attribute, which determines the font hinting mode. If it’s not specified then ‘Default’ is used. Hinting may be one of: Auto, NoAuto, Default, Light, or Bitmap. Antialiasing may also be provided and is default set to true, but can be disabled by setting to off.

A full object may look like the following:

"gui_typeface": {
	"path": "data/font/Roboto-Medium.ttf",
	"hinting": "Light",
	"antialiasing": true,


Hinting is the process of modifying the shapes of glyphs so that they line up better with the pixels in the display device. This improves readability at low resolutions while potentially changing the shape of the glyphs. Six different settings are available:


The default hinter uses tables built into the font by the font designer. Many fonts look best with this hinter because the font designer has meticulously crafted the hinting tables so that the font looks as good as possible.

If the font has no hinting tables at all, then this mode falls back to using the autohinter.


Many generated glyphs are fuzzier but better resemble their original shape. This is achieved by snapping glyphs to the pixel grid only vertically (Y-axis), as is done by Microsoft’s ClearType and Adobe’s proprietary font renderer. This preserves inter-glyph spacing in horizontal text.


This mode ignores the font’s hinting tables in favor of heuristics. The autohinter produces acceptable results for most fonts, but may produce terrible results on some fonts. Usually this is only used when the font doesn’t have any hinting tables of its own.


This is like the Default setting, but won’t use the autohinter if the font doesn’t have any hinting tables.


This completely skips the hinting step. This will likely produce blurry text, but the glyph shapes will always be correct. On very high resolution monitors the lack of hinting may not be noticable.


This setting turns off hinting just like None does, but additionally tells the renderer to ignore any vector glyphs in the font in favor of bitmapped glyphs. As bitmapped glyphs are never antialiased at all they will be extremely sharp, but also pixelated. In most contexts the pixelation would be inappropriate, but it may lend the game a retro aesthetic that many find appealing. Currently the game defaults to using the Terminus font with this setting.